French Bulldog 'adopts' six wild boar piglets


Bulldog 'adopts' six wild boar piglets

A French bulldog has come to the rescue of six wild piglets found alone in the freezing cold in a forest near Berlin, after their mother was shot by a hunter.

The bulldog, called Baby, adopted the small wild boars and now cares for them like their mother.

The abandoned animals were found by walkers in woodland a week ago. They brought them to a nearby animal sanctuary in Lehnitz, where Baby the bulldog lives.

Baby has "motherly instincts" for many animals, Norbert Damm, a carer from Lehnitz animal sanctuary said.

He added that the bulldog had been a surrogate mother already for cats, rabbits and even a racoon.

"Baby is teaching the little ones so that they're not mischievious, and keeps them together a bit," said Mr Damm.

The wild boars will stay with their surrogate mother at the sanctuary for three months and until they are released into a bigger enclosure.

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