Google Fiber Finally Launching



Following months of building a new infrastructure from the ground up, Google has officially started connecting homes in Kansas City to its new lightning-fast Google Fiber network.

The first town to receive Google Fiber is Hanover Heights, Kan., the company said in an official blog post. To bring Google Fiber to town, the company installed fiber optic cables through the neighborhood and has started connecting subscribers to the network.

“There are two stages to getting you connected,” Google said on its official blog. “First, we’ll pull your Fiber from the street to the side of your house; we’ve already done this for several houses in Hanover Heights. Then we’ll get in touch with you to schedule the second stage, your in-home installation. We’ve put together a short video to help you understand what to expect.”

To get connected, Google will install fiber into homes via a fiber jack, which converts the optic signal into data your computer can understand. It then gets online when the network box (a router) is plugged in to provide fast speeds and built-in Wi-Fi.

TV subscribers also get a Google DVR called a storage box and a Google Fiber TX box for each connected TV.

Would you sign up for Google Fiber if it were available in your neighborhood?

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I am so waiting on this to come to middle Tennessee. A couple months ago maybe longer there was a Google website you could put your zip code in and get on the list of areas to roll this out. Guess I see who got it. We have att Uverse now just the internet and it is Max download speed 48 megs a sec. What I would do for true fiber to my house......

Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk
If it's cheaper than what I'm paying now and the install is free............... Anything else and they own you...........
Google fiber will scan your houses and it will be an addition to Google Earth! Lol.
gigabit internet is $70/month or
5meg internet is free (one time fee of $300, or $25/month for 1yr) after.
Well it seems that the electronic media is is going to be on the top for of monthly moneys spent 2nd only to our house and cars.

Who'd thunck !