Help me with my IPOD Touch 2nd gen


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I have a 2nd gen touch that has a lot of my old music on it. I Had a laptop crash and was not able to save the music off of it. Its been a long while since I was able to sync it. Is there a way to pull the music/podcasts off of it? I can't find a lot of the music that's on it anymore. I would like to update it, but still keep a lot of the songs that are on it. Any help is appreciated.
If the music was purchased through itunes, you haven't lost anything. If the music is just random music you have as mp3's, you may be able to save some of the stuff. You may be able to remove the laptop hard drive and pull some data off it. Depending on the laptop model/drive type... you could do something like this -

Then hook it up via usb to another computer/laptop and try to move your music/files over. If you have the laptop model number/info, that'd help.
Unfortunately it turned out to be a hard drive problem. The music was stuff that I had on CD from mid-late 80s and early 90s, you know, when rap was still gansta :bowdownsit: I've tried finding it through iTunes, Pandora and torrents. Just not out there. A lot of it is, but that was the more mainstream stuff, or the artist is still making stuff today : i.e. LL Cool J, Ice T, Ice Cube and the likes. Back before they were a house hold name. Even hard to find Digital Underground, before Tupac was Tupac.
I have a 2nd gen touch that also crapped out and wouldn't connect and everything including my music eventually got wiped. I jailbroke mine thinking itd be fixed, it solved the problem but erased all the memory anyways. Id just make a list of all the songs and see if you can download them again, but that could take a really long time. I hate how you can put songs on an ipod but you cant pull songs off. :(
I have a 2nd gen touch that also crapped out and wouldn't connect and everything including my music eventually got wiped. I jailbroke mine thinking itd be fixed, it solved the problem but erased all the memory anyways. Id just make a list of all the songs and see if you can download them again, but that could take a really long time. I hate how you can put songs on an ipod but you cant pull songs off. :(

Not sure how dated the article is, but there are ways to get your music off of an iPod...

Get Your Music Off of Your iPod
Dumping your entire music collection onto an iPod is a simple, one-click process.
But what about getting your music off an iPod? You'll find that's not so easy. Apple's iTunes software only lets you put the music onto the player, and not the other way around. The iPod/iTunes combo was designed with this restriction built in to prevent piracy and illicit trading. However, there are a number of legitimate reasons you might need to transfer songs from your iPod to your hard drive. For instance, if that fateful day arrives and your PC hard drive crashes, you can restore your music collection without re-ripping dozens of CDs.
Fortunately, there are many applications you can use to get your tunes off your iPod. Some of them are even free, so they won't cost you a thing.

What You'll Need

1. An iPod (obviously)
2. Either a Windows, Mac or Linux machine.
The simplest method for grabbing tunes off of your iPod is also the geekiest. Just enable the "Disk Mode" feature of the iPod from within iTunes, which will allow you to mount the iPod as a hard drive. Then, you can browse the disk using Windows Explorer or the Mac's Finder.
How To (Mac)


On a Mac, you'll need to enable hidden folders in the Finder.
1. Launch the Terminal by going to Applications > Utilities and double-clicking on
2. Paste in these lines of code:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUEkillall Finder
3. If you ever want to make the hidden folders disappear again, just run the code again, but change TRUE to FALSE.

Mac users with no fear of using the terminal can do this with a couple of UNIX shell commands:
`mkdir ~/Desktop/frompod find /Volumes/<your ipod name>/iPod_Control/Music/ -name "." -exec cp {} ~/Desktop/frompod\;`
You will need to change <your ipod name> to the name of your iPod, and you'll need to escape spaces with backslashes, i.e.: Joes\ iPod
That find command will dump all the music from your iPod onto a folder called "frompod" on your desktop. You can also use different find command parameters, like date ranges, to extract only some stuff.
How To (Windows)

Similarly, you can copy songs from an iPod onto a Windows PC by enabling hidden folders to be viewed. Here's how.
1. Open your My Computer directory.
2. Double click on your iPod.
3. Go to Tools > Folder Options > View.
4. In the Advanced Settings list, under Hidden files and folders, check the radio button for Show hidden files and folders. Then click OK.
5. Go to iPod_Control > Music. You'll see the iPod's music organized randomly into a bunch of folders. Copy those into your music directory.
Although the filenames of the songs will be scrambled, their ID3 tags will be intact, so you'll be able to navigate the songs as usual on your computer or another iPod.
6. To unscramble the filenames:
a. In iTunes, go to Edit>Preferences. b. Under the Advanced tab, under the General "sub-tab", select the local folder where you have copied the music from your iPod (by clicking Change...) c. Check the box "Keep iTunes Music folder organized" and click OK. d. If you haven't done so already, add all the recently copied music to you iTunes library. e. The process might take a few minutes, and might require you to close and re-open iTunes to even get it started, but when it's done, you'll have a nicely sorted folder structure.
While these slightly inconvenient methods work, there are plenty of software apps that make the process of browsing and copying files much easier.
Third Party Apps

Anapod Explorer This Windows-only app raises the bar somewhat compared to the other programs. It doesn't just recover files, it also has a whole bunch of additional features like ID3 tag editing and other file management tasks. The downside is that those additional features come at an additional cost -- the full version of Anapod Explorer is $30.
Anapod Explorer includes a separate program, Anapod Xtreamer, which allows you to browse your iPod in a web browser. Xtreamer makes it easy to transfer files, not just from your iPod to the connected computer, but to any computer on your network.
iPodRip IPodRip works in Mac OS X. It has drag-and-drop support for moving songs from your iPod directly into iTunes, as well as one-click importing to restore a local collection. IPodRip also features a number of nice extras not found elsewhere, such as a database integrity check for your iPod database, an option to export your library information to HTML or XML formats, and the ability to sync metadata between your iPod and iTunes.
IPodRip is shareware, and it costs $15. The unlicensed version will expire after 10 uses. So, if you just need to recover from a hard drive failure or similar one-time problem, iPodRip can do it for free.
iPod Access This is another cross-platform offering. Copying songs with iPod Access is simple: Just highlight the songs you want to copy and click "Add to iTunes." The trial version only allows you to transfer five songs at a time. A full license costs $20. When it comes to handling song transfers, iPod Access gives you more options than some of the other programs in the list, including the option to rename the songs in a variety of formats. IPod Access will also only overwrite existing files on your computer if the iPod copy is newer.
Podworks Another Mac-only program, Podworks boasts a number of ways to recover your music from an iPod. Podworks can send the songs straight into iTunes by using the "Send All to iTunes" option, or it can transfer songs to any other location on your hard drive. Podworks lacks the desirable-drag and-drop features of other applications, but it does avoid duplicating songs. The shareware app costs $8. There is also a 30-day trail version which is limited to 250 song transfers.
Senuti Senuti is a free, open-source, Mac-only application that allows you to recover songs, photos and movies from your iPod. Senuti features drag-and-drop transfer of songs and playlists. Senuti also allows you to copy songs from a Windows formatted iPod onto a Mac.
The main downside to Senuti is that it doesn't recognize duplicate tracks. If you have a playlist with 10 songs on your iPod and the same playlist already exists in iTunes, Senuti will add the same 10 songs again. You can stop Senuti from duplicating the actual song files by choosing "overwrite songs" in the preferences, but there doesn't seem to be a way to stop the duplication of songs within playlists.
SimpleCenter SimpleCenter is a free, open-source application that allows you to synchronize music, pictures, movies and podcasts from the iPod. To get music off of your iPod download and install SimpleCenter then: 1. Click on the Devices Module. 2. Click on "Add Device". 3. Select the iPod and click, "OK". 4. Click on the "Copy from device" tab. 5. Click on "Transfer All".
SimpleCenter can then be used to manage and synchronize to your iPod, including playlists. You can manage more than one iPod using the same copy of SimpleCenter. This application supports iPod Video, Nano and the 2nd generation Shuffle. The paid upgrade to SimpleCenter Premium adds video transcoding to the iPod video format. This is handy for those many video files that iTunes is not able to convert.
YamiPod This is the only tool of the bunch that supports all three major operating systems -- Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It's also free. YamiPod can transfer songs to and from an iPod, and it offers a good range of options for handling duplicates. YamiPod also has some extra features not found in the other programs, including the ability to create playlists and send them to YamiPod can add song lyrics to your tunes, and it also supports Mac OS X's Growl notification system.
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Unfortunately it turned out to be a hard drive problem.

Is the drive making an audible "ticking" noise? I've saved a lot of data off drives people said were "dead". It may sound nuts, but it's not uncommon to be able to pull data off drives using the method mentioned above. It may not function well enough to boot/run the pc, but it may have enough function to pull data from.

example of ticking -

So I reinstalled the newest version of iTunes. When I plug in the ipod, it has an option to "Manually back up your ipod to this computer or restore a back up stored on this computer". Then the options are "back up now". Can anyone confirm that this will back up what I have on my ipod now, or will it erase it.

The above from squiggy wouldn't work for me. None of them would install, or they wouldn't open and 1 was just a dead link. I do appreciate the help though. I have actually tried senuti before and it wouldn't work for me.