Help Please Phone Problem


Well-Known Member
Hi, maybe someone can help me I don't know how to fix this problem. Everytime I use my car to dial my phone, I call a local number or any number for that matter, the system always adds the overseas numbers in front of the number I try to call. So, I can't really dial anywhere because it wants to dial overseas and a message says that an overseas feature is available.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I see you live in Ontario Canada... so the phone is always trying to call a number in the US, or? Any info on your phone make/model? I'll see if a vendor has ever heard of this issue. It's new to me.
I figured it out, I had to go into smart dial, then options on the phone and disable the overseas call feature.
setting in your phone, or are you referring to a setting in the car? (in case others have the same issue)