Help with subwoofers

When the subs start to sound bad, pop your hood and carefully touch the amp power wire. Is it hot, or warm? Now open your trunk and do the same for the ground wire. If these are hot, your power wires are to small and/or you have a bad connection. If the ground is hot, look for a loose or bad ground connection. If the power wire is hot, make sure its tight on the amp and battery. If it is, then you need to upgrade to 4g. When I wire my cars, I run at least a 4g wire. This way if I ever want to upgrade to a bigger or multiple amps, I don't have to go back and redo the power wire. I normally run 1/0 power to a distribution block, then whatever the amp calls for at that point.
But seriously though, I have no idea where else to go to. I just kind of feel like every other place is just trying to rip you off.
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It doesn't. And that coincides with what I was talking about when I mention to much voltage to the inputs of the amp. Most line out converters have an adjustment so you can dial back the output voltage. You need to tell them to quit trying to sell you another product snd make your setup work properly. I know it can as I've done it.


This looks to be his LOC, if I'm not mistaken. I can't see the ends, but it doesn't seem like there would be adjustments on his. Can you point him towards a LOC you have, or one that would solve his problem? He could probably just swap that out himself and avoid the shop all together. (If that one isn't adjustable above)
They make a 6-channel (front, rear, sub) version too, and a version that has a good EQ built in if you really wanna keep your stock head unit and have great sound.