Honda Fanboys Call The Cops On Street Racing Forum Member


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Toys For Tots
Baltimore, MD
Vehicle Model
2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
Would you call the police/report someone even if they didn't hurt anyone?

"If a streetracer wrecks his car, hurts no one, and says he's learned his lesson, should he still be brought to the police? The members of a local Honda forum responded to one such incident with a resounding yes."


I keep calling the police to report a slow moving blue WRX, but they don't want to hear from me again ;) :)

'11 WRX (30k mi) & '99 2.3CL (38k mi)
I personally don't think the guy deserves to go to jail. But he should be charged for reckless driving and other violations (or maybe get his license suspended). There is a video of him, shown in Jalopnik, street racing another car on a one lane road. He ends up using the opposite road to race the other car. Now that is some stupid ****. I like forums that do not promote street racing. Like the old 8thcivic, when it was ran by you know who. Lol. Let's keep the race on the tracks where helmets are worn and safety is there when you need it. :word:
Yeah. This is why we can't have nice things. Lol.
I say a lot of fines, loss of driving privileges for most of his natural live and impounded and crush his car sounds like a good punishment..... People like this give enthusiasts a horrible name and make responsible enthusiasts lives a living hell...
taking away a persons license doesn't mean that they can't still drive.
One fatal crash in five (20%) involves a driver who is unlicensed or whose license is suspended, canceled, or revoked.
States differ dramatically in their incidence of crashes involving unlicensed and invalidly licensed drivers, from 6.1% in Maine to 23.4% in New Mexico.
Unlicensed drivers are almost five times more likely to be in a fatal crash than are validly licensed drivers.
Two-thirds of drivers continue to drive while under suspension.
Properly applied sanctions and suspensions can reduce the number of unlicensed drivers on the roads.

street racing is what drinking and driving use to be like not promoted but everyone seems to like to do it. harsher penalties and jail time .no more of these slap on the wrist and go to your room for a time out...
Bend over then you'll know.
ehh...i wouldnt have called the cops, he wreaked his car, so he's screwed already. Im sure we all drive the speed limit right? :hiding: But street racing is STUPID, they do it all the time by my house, racing anything with a motor :pat: I've had dozens of EKs, EGs and of course 8thgens try to race me, I just ignore their asses..the most annoying ones are the 8ths, they swear their car is soooo fast, so they rev at me...REALLY
I'm confused; the forum members who want police involvement want said police involvement because people like this guy cause police involvement in their community? So their answer to these types of people causing police involvement is to call the police on them?

How about this; we could ostracize these types of people on the forums AND at car meets when you don't have the anonymity of the internet to hide behind! Stop being such pussies and asking the police to deal with this ****, because trust me, you DO NOT want the police around, nor any government agency, to solve your problems which you could just solve yourself. When people that act like this show up to the car meets, TELL THEM TO LEAVE AS A GROUP! Don't just sit there and talk **** about them to the two friends you came with. Get organized and make it "uncool" to show up to meets and act like idiots. The police just arrest people and let the court sort **** out, and the court system is TERRIBLE at sorting things out. The cops, however, are great at arresting people. So, you'll just have all the same problems, plus people getting arrested. Stupid.