How Many Calories You Burn Having Sex, Eating Pizza and Smoking a Cigarette


Supporting Member
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Toys For Tots
Baltimore, MD
Vehicle Model
2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6

The best thing about the Nike Fuelband is that it can keep track of any activity you do. Yes, any. You know what that means, right? Let's find out how many calories we burn and how much Nikefuel we earn doing totally normal everyday things.

For reference, Nike considers a 3000 Nikefuel day to be an 'active' day with a 2000 Nikefuel day being a 'normal' day. On to the numbers!
  • Brushing Your Teeth:: 17 Calories, 47 Nikefuel
  • Eating Pizza: 8 Calories, 23 Nikefuel
  • Washing Dishes: 30 Calories, 86 Nikefuel
  • Sending a Text: 0 Calories, 1 Nikefuel
  • Shaking My Arm Up and Down for 30 Seconds: 9 calories, 26 Nikefuel
  • Smoking a Cigarette: 8 Calories, 21 Nikefuel*
  • Walking Up 4 Flights of Stairs: 7 calories, 19 Nikefuel
  • Taking a Shower: 60 Calories, 169 Nikefuel
  • Using the Restroom (#1): 2 Calories, 6 Nikefuel
  • Using the Restroom (#2): 10 Calories, 31 Nikefuel
  • Sleeping: 25 Calories, 79 Nikefuel
  • Masturbating: 82 Calories, 231 Nikefuel
  • Having Sex: 179 Calories, 514 Nikefuel
  • A Night Out Drinking: 463 Calories, 1303 Nikefuel
  • A Night Out I Don't Remember: 1129 Calories, 3320 Nikefuel
  • Being Hungover: 102 Calories, 292 Nikefuel
Masturbating :rotfl:

Bwahahaha I was going to make it bold and/or red but I was like naw I won't because someone would probably mention it and then I was gonna edit it but no editing after 5 mins = ftl

Didn't expect you though Christina! ^_^
screw the gym, theres my new workout plan
People ask why my left arm is bigger than my right arm (Lefty). I joke. :giggle:
Time for me to do the dishes!

Glad your doing your womanly duties.... :hiding: doing the dishes means putting them in the dish washer?!

That's about the time I go to bed, I am not old like you and need to go to bed a

Huh? 10pm is early. You might think I'm old because I drive slow but during the week I don't go to bed before midnight usually. Last night was 230-3am since I was playing poker. I get up around 6am for work during the week too.