How rude of me...


Well-Known Member
Monroe MI
Vehicle Model
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I forgot to post a pic of my Civic when I joined. Since I just finished washing it, I figured it would be a good time to do so.

Also, it shows the newly tinted windows, 17% (basically 20%) all around, except the windshield.

looking good :thumb: any future plans??

Yeah, my plans for this car is to drive it till the wheels fall off (hopefully that won't be for a while). Along the way, I am going to try to squeeze out every MPG I can get. It's just an everyday driver.

About the only thing I am planning on adding to it is a reusable air filter (dry if I can find one) and before the winter hits some model specific floor mats.

I know; not very exciting. My days of modifying cars is kind of gone. Unless of course I buy another Jeep for taking off-road, but that's another forum.
you have a wrangler as well?

I had one, but sold it a while back. I've missed it ever since. It was a '97 TJ, 4.0L straight 6. Lifted, 33x10.5 BFG TAKOs, header, exhaust, K&N filter kit, close to $15k (retail) in audio equipment and alarm stuff (demo for a company I was working for at the time).

I would like to get another one in a year or two and use it as a secondary vehicle. I'd keep it just stock enough to be road legal but modified enough for some serious off-roading. I'd use it on a few nice sun shiny days just for fun and if it looked like a heavy snow that the Civic I would rather not attempt.