How to keep our kids safe!


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SW Virginia
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2012 Civic EX
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Coupe FG3:ASM
With sorrow for the children lost in the last attact from another numb-nut, I'd like to express what I feel are some reasons it keeps happening over, and over.

I keep seeing and hearing from our news media about how a school full of kids is attacked by nut-jobs, be it hand made bombs, or assault weapons, and it keeps getting worse and I keep hearing more, and more about it. As a matter of fact, the news media is one of the biggest reasons this stuff happens, along with all the people that want to become instant seekers of fame, and thinking killing people in their minds* (and I use that term lightly*) seems to be the only way to gain this fame. Knowing that the media will bring their name into the public light.

The news media comes on the air appearing to be sympathetic to a cause, and will knowingly exploit it to the fullest. They are worse than the killers because they could be using their time and position promoting what needs to be done to protect our children. Instead they keep harping on the same old stories that bring emotion to the fire, instead of bringing up real fixes for our problems.

Just a few things that come to mind, is to lock down our schools including windows that won't allow nuts from breaking and entering, and training classes for teachers* (and or guards*) on when and how to to use their own firearms in case of a breach.

As well as the news media, we also have our Country's Leaders, Congress, Senate, Governors, Mayors, etc. that come on the air to pick up votes for the next election, because they sure aren't changing anything to make the schools safer. Hell, they don't even want to put seat belts on school busses. Their excuse, "the law doesn't require seat belts for any passenger transporter with 10 or more seats". Well there's an answer, why not change the law, they work harder at changing our Constitution then protecting our kids. Same with our schools, they'll say we can't lock down our schools because there are fire laws that won't allow this. Well, well, how about changing this law too. They* have no problem enforcing seat belt laws on cars users, or child restraining systems in cars, or impose cutting off moneys to states that don't heal to the laws.

We'd think it would be a simple thing to just change the law, so our kids would be safe, but then that would cost money, and there lies the problem. It's a lot cheaper to blame the killer than have to change laws and give up some money for our children. It's not like there's no money to do this with, it's just the miss management that comes with spending it on things we don't need. One pet peeve of money wasted, is the safety of our roads. Not as much the asphalt as the areas that edge our roads, like putting up trees and bushes for looks, instead of keeping it clear in case someone needs to drive off the road to avoid something, or just loses control, plus being able to see clearly when trying to pull into traffic, but can't see the approaching traffic due to bushes and what ever else they want to stick in our blind spots. Not to mention that the only thing that can be done to insure a better chance of avoiding this ever growing deer population that crosses our roads, would be to cut the trees and bushes back about 100 feet from the road whenever possible. We can't poison the deer, other animals would be effected as well.

The news needs to inform the public in order to help us, not to claim that they have a duty to report these mass killings, knowing that they are responsible for attracting copycats.
They are promoting more nuts to do the same thing.
some schools lock doors -

if someone wants in though, a locked door does very little. They said the latest school in CT was locked down -

Dan Malloy confirmed that alleged shooter Adam Lanza, 20, wasn't buzzed into the school, but rather shot his way in: "He used a weapon to open up the glass and then walked in," Malloy said on ABC's This Week. "He discharged to make an opening and then went through it, went to the first classroom, as you know, went to the second classroom."

Even then, there were instances when kids would bring guns to school in backpacks (when I was in school). If there aren't metal detectors, there is nothing stopping others from doing the same. I know some larger inner city schools have detectors, but not every school.

If someone wants to pull off something like this, it'll happen. They'll pick a school, a mall, a movie theater, office building...whatever.
It already happened to a mall and a hospital during the same weekend...
I agree.......... where there's a will, there's a way. I feel they need to do more than just blame the shooters and make it sound as if we got rid of our guns there would be an end to the problem, they put signs up at schools that say "this is a gun free zone" , I'd like to see all the anti gun ppl willing to put a sign at their house saying it's a gun free house and no weapons are on this property, that should stop all the gun problems. After all if they made laws to stop the use of guns, and sale of, then we wouldn't have to protect ourselves. The criminals wouldn't be able to use theirs either...........Right?

But I did say they needed to put glass that would stop a B&E, and doors that would do the same, bet they can't break into the White house. I'd be willing to bet they've put a lot of "our" money in to making our government officials hard to get to. There was a governor in SC or in that area that was a anti gun peep, and passed laws to help his position, then one day about 2 years ago he shot a B&E peep that came into his house. I guess the dead guy thought that was a gun free zone.

England has had large protest with signs saying that America is falling into the same hole they're in. They gave up their guns and the police never carried them, just a night-stick, and have some of the toughest boarder controls to keep weapons out. Now they armed crimes are up 25% in the last 5 years. There's a guy living in the country out of hearing from his neighbors that shot a B&E(said he should have called for help) and is now in UK prison still, and the perp he shot is out already(that's what they were protesting).

Only a well armed community can stop armed criminals, 5-10 wait on police. If you really want to get some help as quick as possible phone in officer down. But pulling the trigger is still faster.

I was trying to stay away from the gun issue, since it's such a touchy subject with ppl that can't seem to get it to sink in that criminals don't obey the gun laws.

Another good one is in switzerland all able bodied men most put time in their military, and when they get out from active duty, they are "required" to keep their assault weapon and stay up to date with the firing of the weapon.

I hope this can remain a discussion and not lead to bad feelings amongst use.
My opinion...

Maybe more can be done to identify the underlying causes and prevent mentally ill people from getting to this point. Possibly stop prescribing drugs that might make them more psychotic. I know it's not realistic, but I would have preferred to see somebody with a gun take him out before he started killing everyone. So, unfortunately, if an individual is determined, they will strike again.

I would not want to see our schools become locked down prisons, where kids are treated like they're in the witness protection program. I remember my teacher taking our class outside on a nice day, or looking forward to kickball on the playground. Children should be allowed to live normal lives.

I think the media should give very little recognition to the murderer, other than to acknowledge their remains have been chipped into a compost pile as fertilizer. If possible, their name should be stricken from any records of the incident.
From what I've heard the school in CT was locked down. The kid shot through the locks. The kid had asbergers (sp?) Disease. Because of hippa laws that information wasn't provided when he bought the firearm. One way that this and some future incidents could be prevented would be to disclose any disorders that could result in violent behavior in the background check when purchasing deadly weapons (guns).
From what I've heard the school in CT was locked down. The kid shot through the locks. The kid had aspergers (sp?) Disease. Because of hippa laws that information wasn't provided when he bought the firearm. One way that this and some future incidents could be prevented would be to disclose any disorders that could result in violent behavior in the background check when purchasing deadly weapons (guns).

I agree , just for the record he didn't buy the guns, his mother did. I know pll skip though these post and don't read all of it/them , but I did say the schools needed windows and and such upgraded so they can't be by-passed(bars, etc.). The real stopper is to arm the school staff and not make them gun free zones, the criminals aren't going to obey the laws, only the good armed citizen obeys our laws.
From what I've heard the school in CT was locked down. The kid shot through the locks. The kid had asbergers (sp?) Disease. Because of hippa laws that information wasn't provided when he bought the firearm. One way that this and some future incidents could be prevented would be to disclose any disorders that could result in violent behavior in the background check when purchasing deadly weapons (guns).

Most people with asperger are not violent at all, there must be some sort of deeper undying like Schizophrenia or something worse.

The screening process for guns is pretty tough as it is.

The weapons used where the moms and if she was scared of him like I heard why where the guns not properly secured.

Only 2 people know the combination to my gun safe and the 1 or 2 guns not in the safe are within hands grasp of me, and this is the way it should be in all households.. I have walked into other houses and the safe is wide open..
Most people with asperger are not violent at all, there must be some sort of deeper undying like Schizophrenia or something worse.

The screening process for guns is pretty tough as it is.

The weapons used where the moms and if she was scared of him like I heard why where the guns not properly secured.

Only 2 people know the combination to my gun safe and the 1 or 2 guns not in the safe are within hands grasp of me, and this is the way it should be in all households.. I have walked into other houses and the safe is wide open..
My wife works in the medical field and also has a cousin with asbergers. She was telling me that by definition it causes them to have no remorse or conscience for any actions and that they can be extremely violent. In her words something that is nothing to me and you can set them off and make them homicidal. They discovered this when her kid cousin with asbergers got pissed at his baby sister and covered her face with a pillow and sat on it. Thank god there grandmother went to see what was happening when she did because that baby girl about died.
Like I said most kids are not.... But everyone is different, I know a few people who have it and are not violent