How to save your phone when it falls in the toilet‏

why you have your phone in your hands in the first place while in the bathroom is beyond me :toilet: :wash:
I just saw it and thought to pass it along......... ME, I might turn it on once a week, and keep it in my car, or mc.......No landline either...... but figuring most ppl they literally can't take a dump without one.......
Too bad that won't really work with iPhones.
I personally know two people who saved smartphones by putting them in a ziplock bag of rice. It worked for them.
why you have your phone in your hands in the first place while in the bathroom is beyond me :toilet: :wash:
I agree, But I have dropped a few phones in the toilet. Most of my hoodies have a front pocket ( no zipper). So lifting up the hoodie to drain..... drop the phone in the toilet. Just happens sometimes if you forget it is in there.
We're just making jokes. How-to's are very welcome here :)

My humour is on the dry side, I figured some of the responces to this topic would float to the dumper before it was over.

Thx for the support...........