If Only This Pong Crosswalk Game Was Real


May be NSFW because of German swear word :P

Crossing the street can be such a boring activity. But if this game were required at every crosswalk on the planet, strolling across the street could be a lot more fun. Sadly, it isn’t real.

In a simulation created by students at HAWK University in Germany, passersby play a variation of Pong with a competitor across the street.

Sandro Engel and Holger Michel created the video as a project that brings social media to the crosswalk. Using a green screen on the yellow box, the students created the entire interaction digitally, according to Autoblog.

Oh well — walkers can dream.

Article from: http://mashable.com/2012/09/10/crosswalk-pong/
imagine the cost of the screens if this were legit on streets.... and vandalism/theft
I thought it was real, but then I realized that people would be fighting over to play the game. Lol.