If you are slammed...


Well-Known Member
Slugger City, KY
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Ok, so since I lowered my car last year I have had issues with some weird noises coming from the axles I believe. I have place the car on jack stands and let it engage so the wheels can roll and from what I'm hearing, its right at the point where the axles connect to the trans. It started off sort of minor, but over the year it will get worse and its now become loud enough to where I can sometimes hear it over my radio.

Here's the catch..I thought it was my suspension or wheels, or something that I installed wrong but I have gone over everything thoroughly to make sure I am not. Thing is, when I raise the car a little bit the noise will stop. So only when I am slammed does the noise occur.

To the others on this forum that are slammed, or really low, have you noticed any weird noises at all?!
My only explanation is when the car is that low, the noise happens...I'm confused.

I will try and get my GoPro out on it and see if I can get the noise on camera.

Thank you in advance!
Your cv joints may be wearing,common problem while going low.Only a visual inspection will show that,or they will just pop out someday.
Its not making any noise like that; no clunking or clicking..it sounds like its rubbing something of some sort but when I got under the car and looked, it was coming from around the boot
You said if you raise it a little the noise goes away?

Sounds like you are past the point that one of the "joints" can safely handle. Enough wear has occurred to start making the noise. It's probably some type of binding from them rubbing or like a steep driveline angle.

Best way I can explain what I think is going on.... You see the U-Joint in the right half of this image? Where the two drive shafts meet? If you make the angle too steep they will either lock up or grind against each other. I think you are at that point and the wear you have caused thus far is now making noise. I think the not fun but obvious answer is to raise the car a little and get rid of the noise. You may have exceeded the limits of the parts.

I'm uploading the video now so you guys can hear it..I didn't actually start hearing the noise until I had the battles on the car. They never made the noise when I had my first set of Varrstoens on last year.
We'll see, I'll just let you all listen to it and go from there.
I get employee discount at honda, so I'm not worried at all about price..I was just trying to see if anyone else is experiencing the same issue due to being dumped.
Like I said earlier, the noise only happens when the car is low, when I raise it, the noise goes away. I don't know if I should replace the axles or just let it be since I don't know what it is exactly