Instant Fuel Economy Gauge Behavior Normal?


New Member
I picked up a new (used) 2013 Civic EX recently and was wondering if it's normal for the Instant Fuel Economy Gauge to spike to the maximum level just when you're close to being completely stopped. I just noticed it recently and it has me a little concerned.

When I slow down to about 5-8 km/h, that's when the gauge spikes. I've uploaded a video of it.
You can see by the end of the video where I'm nearly stopped where it happens.

Is this normal or do I need to bring it in to the dealership?
thats completely normal

when you're stopped, or nearly stopped and barely moving, you're getting bad mileage. almost 0mpg. thats why idling the car and city traffic (sitting at stop lights) kills your mpg
anytime you coast or let off the gas entirely it should go all the way to max, or close to it. That is normal
Looks normal
Coasting , i.e. not on gas pedal, not using fuel so spike up MPG.
Complete stop is bad gas millage. Imagine this: It's morning and you need to drive to work. You start the car and let it idle and you sit there for an hour. You aren't getting any closer to work and wasting gas idling the engine. Thats bad MPG. That's basically why idle (complete or near stop is considered bad MPG, you aren't getting closer to where you need to go and wasting gas).
It's normal. When you're off the gas moving past a certain speed your actually getting better fuel economy than the gauge can show so it maxes out. Here it's measured in miles per gallon, not sure about where you are since you use kilometers. So naturally when you go slower than a certain speed your not burning that much gas but the miles part is going down and will drop gas mileage.

Basically when your idling at a dead stop your burning some gas, but going nowhere, so you're getting 0 miles per gallon of gas burned at that point, which is why the closer you get to being stopped the lower your fuel economy goes until it reaches 0.