iPad Mini Will Cost $190 to Make



A $299 iPad Mini would make Apple a profit of a little more than $100 per unit, according to a new estimate on the tablet’s build-of-materials (BOM).
Tech-Thoughts.net blogger Sameer Singh assembled the list below, based on the cost of components used for the iPad 2, Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire.
The component list shows that the display could cost $48.54 and the touchscreen $32.37, prices which would go along with the line of thinking that the 7.85-inch tablet will come without a Retina Display. Other notable expenses go on “mechanical/electro mechanical” ($31.31) and the processor ($13.50), which is likely to be the same A5 processor used for the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S.
TabTimes has spoken to a number of analysts in recent weeks on the potential price of the iPad Mini, and the consensus seems to be that the tablet will arrive for somewhere between $279 and $329.
These prices would certainly allow Apple to compete with Google’s Nexus 7 and Amazon’s Kindle Fire, all while bringing in a healthy margin.

Article from: http://mashable.com/2012/08/29/ipad-mini-production-cost/
look at the kindle fire... it cost like 2 dollars more to make than what they were selling it for. It reportedly cost them $201.70 dollars to make, but they were selling it for $199. All in hopes you'd buy items from amazon like music, books, movies....
look at the kindle fire... it cost like 2 dollars more to make than what they were selling it for. It reportedly cost them $201.70 dollars to make, but they were selling it for $199. All in hopes you'd buy items from amazon like music, books, movies....

Yup. That's where they make there BIG money.

How many apps have people bought?

I have bought Tapatalk. I can't remember if I bought anything else.. (My memory FTL)
I have bought zero apps with my money.

I don't know if going smaller would do it for me. I like the size of the reg iPad.
I've played with my friends kindle fire.....way too small. When I get some money to spend I will def be looking at getting a tablet of some kind.

Hmmmmzzzz.....maybe Xmas present from the parental figures....:think: