
Jötunn Moderator
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Lew-vul, KY
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It's A Fast Pig!
YYYYEEEEAAAHHHH!!! AHHHH its 6:30... IM LATE... What to do.... I know.....TURN IT UP!!!!
(edit - warning profanity)

I believe so. I think in the other thread he said he setup his decorations from morning till trick or treat
I don't think Mr. and I are doing anything. We got a few pumpkins last night but he's not much of a holiday person
Booooooooooooo to Roberto.....but not really looking forward to tonight since Oscar(the weiner dog) will bark every time the door bell will ring tonight. plus, didn't go to any Halloween parties this year.
400?! Little bit of an exaggeration?

LOL! no we really had that many. We usually have around 350-400 and since it didn't rain everyone came out. At one point people were T shaped backed up our walkway and both sides of the street were full of people. Insane, but everyone came out for free candy. :D I had 1000 pieces of candy and was only giving out 2 pieces per for an hour and 45mins. Last 15mins we only had a few kids so I gave them a small handful of suckers and we still have about 20 suckers left over.
We need an update and pics of the Halloween setups.
LOL, sorry. I have a couple rough vids. Wifey dropped our camera and broke it :banghead: a few days before trick or treat so I'm getting pics from a family member who took some.