Jury Verdict- Apple Awarded Over A Billion Dollars In Samsung Case


Toys For Tots
In a landmark ruling in the Apple vs. Samsung patent trial, the jury has just awarded damages to Apple for Samsung's violation of its various software, hardware design patents, and trade-dress dilution. For its various violations, Samsung must pay Apple $1,049,343,540 in damages, the jury determined. The damages, by device, are as follows:
  • $57 million for the Samsung Prevail
  • $44,792,974 for the Infuse 4G
  • $53,123,612 for the Mesmerize
  • $3,350,256 for the Replenish
  • $954,060 for the Transform
==== sample items of issue:
If you aren't aware, apple is suing samsung over copying designs/products since the release of the iphone.


^^ pretty self explanatory graphic


^^ charging port apple / samsung
Below - wall plug samsung / apple





^^ smart covers compared


^ packaging of tablets compared







and let the appeals begin I'm sure
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Samsung issued this statement:
Today’s verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices. It is unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners, or technology that is being improved every day by Samsung and other companies. Consumers have the right to choices, and they know what they are buying when they purchase Samsung products. This is not the final word in this case or in battles being waged in courts and tribunals around the world, some of which have already rejected many of Apple’s claims. Samsung will continue to innovate and offer choices for the consumer.
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AAPL stock:
After Hours: $674.95 +11.73
**** apple. they think they can patent everything, and this bullshit lawsuit that they won just proves it... i guess honda should sue kia because the forte looks like a civic knockoff? come on.. total, absoulute BULLSHIT... apple doesn't invent anything... they just are good package designers imo... if somebody invented the wheel, apple would put it on a car then try to patent the automobile... **** them
I think apple is going a little overboard, claiming that things like how a list of items "bounces" when you scroll past the end is a patentable and samsungs looked too similar therefore costing them sales. Cause we all look at things like how lists bounce when you scroll past the end to decide what phone to buy.

I think apple should work more on continuing to design market changing products to beat their competition if thats their goal, rather than trying to litigate them into obscurity
yeah i noticed that webs, but my issue is why is this sh*t allowed to be patented? i mean seriously... there are some things that shouldn't be exclusively allowed... apple is just mad because somebody took their product and made it BETTER... it's just ridiculous... jobs thought he could own everything as if he was the be all, end all idea man on the planet, and anything he thought of belonged to him... many of the iphone features and such actually came from motorolla about 2-3 years prior, and there is a countersuit against apple regarding just that, that the iphone stole many of it's ideas from the motorolla and "tweaked" them slightly, which is exactly what samsung did to apple... i'm sorry but something like a "touch screen interface" ? really apple? you think you can own the only touch screen on the planet? f*ck off. i hate apple, and as of now have not, and will not ever purchase any of their products.
love their laptops and ipods...thats it...Apple really has gone mad with this, but im sure Samsung will still bring out better products than Apple. the S3 is definitely an iphone killer IMO, and android is gettting better and bettter with every build. who really cares about Siri?
love their laptops and ipods...thats it...Apple really has gone mad with this, but im sure Samsung will still bring out better products than Apple. the S3 is definitely an iphone killer IMO, and android is gettting better and bettter with every build. who really cares about Siri?

What's Siri?