Leukemia Treatment Virtually Eradicates Cancer, Kills 'Pounds' Of Cancerous Cells


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Leukemia Treatment Virtually Eradicates Cancer, Kills 'Pounds' Of Cancerous Cells

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A new leukemia treatment is wowing even the researchers behind its creation, providing results beyond their wildest expectations.

It's virtually eradicated cancerous leukemia cells in the first three patients it's been tested on.

In two of the first three patients the process was tested on the treatment completely destroyed the most common type of leukemia, according to MSNBC. In the third patient, the treatment seems to have reduced the cancerous cells to 70 percent of what they once were.

"Within three weeks, the tumors had been blown away, in a way that was much more violent than we ever expected," said senior author Carl June, MD told Penn Medicine.

Amazingly, the breakthrough actually uses patients' own T cells to fight the cancer, according to the University of Pennsylvania's news release. Researchers took the T cells of the patients, ran them through Penn's vaccine production facility, and then reintroduced them to the patients' bodies following chemotherapy.

Thats good to hear that they have something like that, hopefully it works that great on everyone. A guy I was friends with back in high school just passed away from that last week.
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sorry to hear about your friend... cancer is horrible.

I've seen a number of things recently which show a lot of hope.


Lost my grandfather to Leukemia, hope this research is what everyone has been waiting for.

Lost two uncles within months of each other late last year to cancer....
My grandma passed away last november from cancer and my step dads mom has cancer and isn't doing well. They told her that it was 90% curable and now since she had the treatment shes done a lot worse.
I'm sure everyone knows someone that has been affected by cancer :sadbanana:

My moms friend is going through her 2nd battle of cancer. My roommate nephew(7 years old now) was cleared of his cancer earlier this year but still has health issues.
I'd heard that they were using HIV to kill off Leukemia. It cures it and the patient doesn't get HIV. My great-aunt was talking about it