Low mpg on r18!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so its been about a month since I've owned my 2013 civic ex automatic and I'm iffy on my mpg. I thought I was suppose to get more? Well I probably drive 40% city and 60% highway. I dont destroy my gas pedal and try to have the lights in the speedometer green. Motor is all stock. Tires are 225/40/18 with 18x8.5 xxr 530 wheels. My mileage is currently at 825 miles and I've been getting 26.2 mpg.

Is any other r18 owner experiencing this problem?
Thanks guys .
I'm seeing weights on the 8.75" at like 21.5 lbs a piece. I'm not sure what the weight is on the stock EX wheels. Upsizing from a 195 tire to a 225 is also going to hurt your mpg. That's over an inch and an eighth wider tread pattern on EACH tire. If they're sticky summer tires, that's also going to hurt things. You're also still in break-in. Look at your mileage after you have at least a few thousand miles on the car.
Fill it up near an interstate and go for about a hundred miles, and return keeping it on cruise control, pull off the interstate and refill the tank. use your cell phone calculator. Miles divided the gallons you just put in after the trip = ............... I can get 40+ on the road in hilly country.......... I don't know about the tyre set up and how much it makes a difference, but a 200 mile ride will tell you the truth..... Just make sure you have some music you like that can last for two hours........
Thanks for the reply webby. Do you believe that the more I drive I will get a better average? About a week ago my avg was 24 then it went up to 26.2 weird!

P.s I drive in eco mode
As the rings seat, and the engine breaks in, the miles per gallon will increase (as you're already experiencing).
Alright. Thanks webby. Ill try to rack up some miles and get back with some info. Thanks to you too monk. Ill try that out soon when I have time !
Looks like you've already gotten some good responses but I'll chime in since I have an LX and experience some flux in mileage as well. You will certainly need to drive more and get a few thousand miles to really get a sense of the mileage.

Upgrading to the 225 is definitely going to hurt your mileage, a lot more than you think it should. I have about a 4mpg difference between my summer tires, 225 width, and my winter tires 205 width. That said I hit 34-37 with the summer tires on and usually just about 40 with the snow tires.

Wheel and tire weight make a huge impact as well. The XXR while a nice looking and well priced wheel is super heavy. I swear the set we bought was about 30lbs a wheel. They will knock a couple mpgs off also. So just on those 2 factors you're looking at about 5-6mpg which added to your current 26 would put you into the low 30's. I'm almost certain you will see improvement the longer you drive your car and you should start to see mpg in the 30 range.

Definitely do what Monk said and go fill up, get right on the highway, set the cruise control and go for a while, then fill up again and see what you got.

You should be able to get into the mid to high 30's at least. Keep us up to date on how things work out for you and if you mileage starts improving or not. Using the A/C hurts these cars in city driving bad. Highway not so much.
I completely agree with everyone. MrTang your mileage isn't too terrible... I find that once I turn on the A/C and it's about 85 or hotter outside, the car suffers a lot at city speeds from heat soak in the engine and runs thirstier. I averaged 25.5-26mpg on a very hot week where I used AC a lot. Break it in, do the mileage test, and then decide whether or not it's something to bring to your dealer. I'd say you as well as the car are both in new break-in/learning mode :hmmm?:
So my ac also makes my mpg go low. Its been 90 degrees here in socal but I don't blast my ac! And I also am in learning mode !
So my ac also makes my mpg go low. Its been 90 degrees here in socal but I don't blast my ac! And I also am in learning mode !
The EPA or whatever ............. The city mileage #s are way out of date, back when the average town only had a few traffic lights,(and I'm guessing they picked towns like that to use for averages). So for us to try and get those #s is going to make it hard to do. so it's back to interstate testing to see if our cars meet the #s for highway, at least then we know the car is preforming correctly. From there, all we can do is to milk it in town to get the best that we can.

I happen to now live in a small town, and I can get 32 to 35 in my town. And, can get 42 - 3 on the road(working it)

My over all average since I bought the car(15,000 miles).....

***** P.S. I always use my AC. *****

So far I've filled up 45 times(and have kept a written record), for an over all average of :

13,536.6 miles = 411.09 gal =*** 32.928 MPG ***
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