Police arrested Todd Franklin Curtis, 30, of Norman, on a grand larceny complaint April 30 at the store, 800 SW 44, according to a police report released Thursday. Curtis was released from the Oklahoma County jail on bail the next day. He has not been charged.
A store employee saw a man, whom police identified as Curtis, put numerous items of women's clothing, more than 20 boxes of Lego toys and other items in a shopping cart before abandoning the cart near the registers about 2:45 p.m., an officer wrote in the report. The man then went outside and talked on his cellphone before returning inside and pushing the cart out of the store.
A store employee stopped him and called police, according to the report. Employees told the officer recent surveillance photos from different Target stores around the metro area show a man fitting Curtis' description stealing Lego toys, and the photos also show the man using a black 2009 Ford Expedition sport utility vehicle similar to the one Curtis parked at the Target on April 30.
The total value of the Lego toys stolen in the various thefts is more than $10,000, the officer wrote in the report. The value of the Lego toys in the April 30 incident is more than $1,000.
There are numerous Lego kits listed on eBay.com for auction or purchase by a seller known as clcurtis33, whose location is listed as Norman. It is unclear if the seller is Curtis. The seller has sold about 200 items since December, almost all of them Lego kits, according to the seller's eBay feedback page.
Many of the eBay seller's items are the same kind of Lego kits listed in the police report as those police allege Curtis attempted to steal April 30.
Curtis declined to comment and referred questions to his attorney, Charles Cox, when contacted Thursday by telephone. Cox did not return a call seeking comment.
Curtis in 2001 pleaded guilty in Cleveland County to four counts of impersonating a police officer and one count of assault and battery, court records show. He received deferred and suspended sentences.