Marilyn Monroe's dress blows up the records


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It’s not every day the dress of a blonde, standing over the breeze of the subway grate, becomes an iconic symbol, engaging a wide range of bidders.
Marilyn Monroe’s legendary white dress was auctioned on Saturday night in Beverly Hills, California, along with many other film memorabilia, according to CNN.
The dress responsible for it all was sold at an auction at $4.6 million, but exceeded $5.6 after all prices were factored in, according to the Associated Press.
Monroe’s dress, first seen in the movie, The Seven Year Itch, was the most popular item sold from the vast collection by Debbie Reynolds. Many other collectible props and dresses were sold from her 50 years of accumulation, including items from The Wizard of Oz, and an Audrey Hepburn outfit, which sold at $3.7 million according to Lynn Elber of the Associated Press.
A collector, Keya Morgan, told CNN that the bids were “totally crazy, especially in this recession.”