Mystery Mansion Rises in the Ozarks


Well-Known Member
Southern Ohio
I found the new 9thcivic headquarters. :rockwoot:


You’ve probably heard of the 56,000-square foot Spelling Manor that just sold to billionaire heiress Petra Ecclestone or the 43,000 square-foot Fair Field estate belonging to billionaire industrialist Ira Rennert. You may even be familiar with the palatial pads that some real estate developers have built in the hopes of finding wealthy buyers like Alpine, N.J.’s $68 million Stone Mansion or England’s Updown Court (which now faces foreclosure).

Here’s another huge home to put on your real estate radar: Pensmore. Pensmore, the Ozarks mountain estate being erected in rural Christian County, Missouri, will garner bragging rights as one of America’s largest homes upon its projected 2013 completion. The chateau-style mansion will encompass an estimated 72,000-square feet on its secluded plot of more than 500 acres. It will include 13 bedrooms, 14 baths and an assortment of outrageous amenities.

The New York Times and others have reported that Pensmore has been fueling a flurry of rumors, leading some locals to speculate it would be used as a military bunker and still others to imagine Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie might claim it as a residence. The impetus behind the construction project, however, is perhaps a little less titillating.

“We are in the process of building both a home for my family and, more importantly, a living laboratory for energy-efficiency and disaster resistant technology for years to come,” states Steven Huff, chairman of TF Concrete Forming Systems and Pensmore’s owner, via email. Huff, who plans to use the mansion as a secondary home, wants Pensmore to be the first major energy efficient, environmentally sustainable single-family residence of this caliber. It will also be earthquake and tornado resistant — a huge boon given the devastation tornadoes have been wreaking in areas like Joplin, MO. earlier this year.
