New to the forums


Active Member
Hi guys,

Yesterday I picked up my 2012 Honda Civic EX. I considered getting an Si, but for me it wasn't really worth the increased price in insurance (and the only SI they had left was white, which I didn't really want). I drove a 2000 Dodge Neon for the past 6 years, he died on Wednesday of last week (RIP :[ ) so I picked this up. So far I'm loving this car! I'm planning on painting the emblems black, I feel like that'll look really cool.




Welcome! Nice color choice! If there was an RR Si at my dealer I would of bought it within a heartbeat.
Thanks for the comments guys! I'm looking forward to learning more about civics on here.
What does the green Econ button to the left of the steering wheel do? I don't have that on my Si. Just curious.:wink1:

When you're going a constant speed with cruise control on, you turn on econ and it will increase your mpg. I don't know exactly how it works, but I tried it out last night and it definitely works.
What does the green Econ button to the left of the steering wheel do? I don't have that on my Si. Just curious.:wink1:

It will change the shifting points on an automatic to increase MPGs. Not sure how it works on non-hybrids, but on my wife's Insight it also turns the car off when at a complete stop.
I wasn't aware the SI's didn't have an econ button........ Anyway when econ is engaged it works to get better MPG by way of using the highest gear as soon as possible, it also controls things like the A/C to work as efficiently as possible, and so on. But, it can be over run/ride by a few easy ways, shift to D3 or hit the econ button to turn it off.
I 1st started using it most of the time, but found that not using it in stop and go traffic really doesn't hurt the mpg that badly, but does make the car drive more responsively, I haven't gotten worse than 32 mpg to the tank by not using it at all(just to see the difference).
I have the cant same sentiments towards the Eco button as Monk. I've stopped using it unless I'm on the highway. The car is way more fun around town with it off.