New to the site!

Hey there. Welcome! Quite a few Canadians on here. I'm just over the border in Western NY. What color did you get?
White is right! Welcome to the forum!
Let us know if there is anything we can do to help get you familiar with the dark side :giggle:
welcome to the site. How do you like working at the plant? How's production on the 2013 Si's coming along?
welcome to the site. How do you like working at the plant? How's production on the 2013 Si's coming along?
It's factory work, so you just take it for what it is. I don't mind it.
2 door Si's have been in production for about a month, and we just started 4 doors this week.
still haven't seen one at my local dealerships. Any specific part of production you work on, or do you move to all different parts?
still haven't seen one at my local dealerships. Any specific part of production you work on, or do you move to all different parts?
I work in underbody. I install the exhaust, rear stabi bar, floor undercovers, and heat shields. Also, several small jobs as well. I also do quality inspection for the bottom of the car.
I know a few people have seen the si coupes on lots. I've just not seen one yet. Quite a few 2013 non-si sedans already