Parents Banned From Naming Baby Lucifer In NZ


Parents Banned From Naming Baby Lucifer In NZ

Isn’t it your business if you want to name your kid Lucifer? Apparently not as NZ starts banning names that it feels are a little too on the wild side.

The name Lucifer has been banned after the New Zealand Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages had three requests to name kids after the devil himself!

Although names have never been allowed to start with numbers (4Real was turned down in 2007), in 2008 the department made world news when they all allowed twins to be named Benson and Hedges after the cigarette brand. It seems that they didn’t like the attention and have now gone a little more hardline banning over 100 names including Baron, Bishop, Duke, General, Judge, Justice, King, Knight and Mr because of their similarity to titles according to an article in the NZ Herald Sun. The name Messiah was also turned away and many names that were numbers or single letters. In the past the names Satan and Adolf Hitler have also caused problems.

The registrar of births, deaths and marriages in New Zealand has a set of rules that include rules that a name cannot start with a number and it advises parents to stay away from names that could potentially cause children to be made fun of at school. Strange punctuation is also disallowed.
Parents Banned From Naming Baby Lucifer In NZ

I understand the governmental concern here and that ultimately it’s for the protection of the child but also hate that they can tell you what to call your child. I guess that means I am sitting on the fence or rather I am Owling on this one! A kid called Lucifer could have gotten a ton of stick but some kids would have thought it cool, still I guess it would cause provocation. Names like Knight or Duke should have never been disallowed, they are standard names I thought! I also really do think names with numbers in them certainly should be allowed.

Anyway I would love to know what you think and if parents should be able to call kids what on earth they want. Celebrities seem to be allowed to do it in the USA.

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Yeah, sounds like NZ is turning into the DMV with license plates >_<

Man...we get all sorts of names here... King..Queen..Prince..Princess..Precious..Lovely..