Post your pet peeves


Toys For Tots
Hate long lines
Busy stores
Being stuck in traffic
People driving slow in the fast lane

Keep it going
people that don't signal when changing lanes, but it been discovered that some cars/truck that come into saskatchewan don't come equipped with them :hiding:

people that claim replica mugen style lip kits as being "mugen" :vtec:
Drivers who leave on their turn signals after signaling and keep driving for more than 500 feet with no intentions of changing lanes again.
No turn signals, braking for no reason, driving slow in the left lane, people texting while driving, :giggle:
chewing with their mouths open.
dogs drinking water
dogs eating (the noise) while I'm eating
Oh and I hate it when people don't use to/too their/there brake/break properly...really annoying!! LOL
-People who didn't learn English after being in the US for a while
-People with no knowledge of proper grammar and spelling (ex. wander instead of wonder)
-Slow drivers/Old drivers/PA drivers
-People who drive and talk/text on their phones
-People who don't signal when switching lanes or turning
-Driving through NYC or any of the 5 boroughs
-Mechanics that think women are all car stupid and never take you seriously

+ many more