Raider uses mechanical digger to remove cash machine from bank


Raider uses mechanical digger to remove cash machine from bank

A raider used a mechanical digger to try to rip a cash machine out of the wall of a bank, while nearby residents slept straight through it.


After failing to get the cash machine free from the building, the man drove off in the digger, before abandoning it in a nearby field
Police officers believe the large JCB digger was used to drive into the ATM at Barclays Bank in Barretts Lane, Needham Market at around 3.30am yesterday, leaving a gaping hole in the building.

After failing to get the cash machine free from the building, the man, who wearing a baseball cap, then drove off in the digger, before abandoning it in a nearby field.

One resident living just feet from the bank, who declined to give their name, said: "The thud of a massive box hitting the ground I thought would make some noise, but we heard nothing."

The road has been closed while an investigation takes place and engineers check the structure of the bank.

Police are hunting a white man wearing a baseball cap.

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