Rock shattered my fog light

You have to buy a set, but many people just replace the front glass with lexan. You can buy a sheet of it that can replace both fogs for around 10 dollars or so at lowes/home depot. It's like a thick/shatter resistant plexiglass. You'll have to trace your fog, and then cut it out with a dremmel tool or something similar. I've had to do it on multiple fogs in the past.

basically the same diy as this -
Hello, has anyone had a fog light broken? I had a film covering it, so everything is still intact. Can you replace just one lens, or do you have to buy a set? Thanks!
I had both of mine shatter and did the diy for the lexan. Super easy and cheap. You can't tell unless I point it out.
Just be careful pulling out the glass as it is sharp.