Shark Found In Car Wash Drain After Friday's Floods


Shark Found In Car Wash Drain After Friday's Floods


CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Three friends said they found a shark stuck in a car wash drain in north Charlotte after the heavy rains died down Friday.

According to the three friends, they were walking when someone told them there was a shark at the car wash, so they went to check it out. They said they could smell the shark before they saw it.

"(We were) wondering how in the world a shark ended up at a car wash coming out of the sewer. Everything was flooded though, like the whole park was flooded," one person said.

They said the shark was dead when they found it. No one knows exactly where it came from.

Some areas of Charlotte received as much as 6 inches of rain in the course of a few hours Friday.

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Robert and I had shark steak for dinner last night :shadycorn:

Don't let him eat too much of it.

The legal limit for consumption of methyl-mercury, set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, is 0.1 microgram per kilogram of body weight. Studies have shown shark meat contains as much as 1,400 micrograms of methyl-mercury in one kilogram. A person weighing 155 lbs would therefore get 50 times the legal amount in one single portion of shark steak.

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Oh boy. I'm only 100lbs.
We only had a very tiny piece though and he only had a little bite..haha
Not trying to scare you but Shark has the highest amount. We like tuna and it has trace amount. Shark has more mercury in it than any other fish. Curious, what does Shark taste like??? The craziest thing I've eaten is Alligator tail, which tastes like chicken.
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Oh yeah...I haven't had it in like 5+ years.
It's great...seems to cut like steak and tastes kinda like very tender chicken. I like it. I've never had alligator though