Hi there, just wanted to give a quick shout out to everyone who actually knows how to properly drive in the rain, i.e. not riding someones' bumper while driving over 65 mph or trying to make a solid 45 turn at 35+mph...apparently nobody here in Houston can grasp the physics behind what rain does to tires on the road lmao jkjk, seriously though, I'm from Michigan..so driving in the rain is quite literally a walk in the park compared to daily blizzard driving. These people have no idea what it is like to experience the hell that is "lake effect snow" But man I love the warm weather here lol For the few that live in Texas and know how to properly drive in this crazy rain, I salute you! We need more skilled drivers out there, rather than these people who drive like they're the only ones on the road...
that is all
that is all