Slopeflying in Stryn, Norway

Do you really need a shoot with that much forward momentum? How fast do you think they are going, you think they cross some ski's while flying then use them to land in the lake?
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On May 28, 2011, Japanese wingsuit pilot Shin Ito set world records for the longest wingsuit flight of 23.1 km (14.4 mi) jumped from 9,800 metres (32,000 ft)[20] and the fastest speed reached in a wingsuit of 363 km/h (226 mph).

A wingsuit flier manipulates the shape of his body to create the desired amount of lift and drag although most wingsuits have a 2.5 to 1 ratio. This means that for every foot dropped, two and a half feet are gained moving forward.

That might be the most fun 20-30 seconds can be.

another one showing the speed - wait for the balloons at 1:36