KEY WEST (CBSMiami) - So you break into a school full of office equipment, computers, microscopes, and other goodies. What do you grab? For two Broward men caught dead to rights in a Key West high school, they were after...the chicken nuggets?
30 pounds of high-school-cafeteria frozen chicken nuggets, sans sauce, were among the items allegedly stacked up by Lawrence Dixon of Davie, and Carl Dudley Crabtree of Hollywood, ready to be hauled to their waiting car.
Inside, cops found money looted from vending machines, a computer, and some power equipment. The cops were there because a school employee said she saw the men poking around in her office.
They had apparently pried open the cafeteria freezer as well, finding the big bag of nuggets inside. Along with the chicken, cops found coins and, for some reason, a red and white graduation tassel.
Crabtree and Dixon told police they needed the items to start a new business, but couldn't explain the chicken nuggets in the haul, so cops slapped the two men with unlawful take-out, or, more officially, theft and burglary charges.
Needless to say, they never got to have a nugget feast. Crabtree was ordered held on $55 thousand dollars bond, while Dixon was jailed after he was unable to make $35 thousand bail. Both men are in custody in Key West.
It's not known if the Monroe County Jail serves chicken nuggets on the inmate menu.