Spectacular light show dazzles Sydney Opera House


Spectacular light show dazzles Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House has become the centrepiece of a spectacular light show, as the annual Vivid festival gets under way.

12:50PM BST 28 May 2011

The festival, which aims to be a hub for music, light and creativity, takes place during the Australian winter and is designed to bring people outside on those cold nights.

Many prominent buildings around the city were bathed in light, but the centrepiece was the Sydney Opera House.

Ignatius Jones, the festival's producer, said: "We've got the world's most iconic modern building, we've got the world's most beautiful harbour, we've got the bridge, we've got The Rocks, you know, and all of which we transform with light."

The spectacular visuals was created by a group of digital projection artists from France, known as Superbien.

Tomas Chosson, digital projection artist with Superbien, said: "It was the first time I came to Sydney two months ago to meet Barbara from Modular and Fergus from the Opera House and first when they call us in France to work on this project we cannot believe it."

The projectionists draw on graphic design, animation and photography, turning the projection of light into a fine art.
The festival combines light displays with live entertainment and popular music, and is intended to showcase Sydney as a creative city.
Light shows will continue to illuminate the harbour city until June 13.