Streets of London really are paved with gold


Streets of London really are paved with gold

Following the "urban miner" who makes a living finding precious metals on the sidewalks of New York's "diamond district", the Telegraph went to see if the streets of London might also be paved with gold.


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Rush hour: Jasper and Leah try their luck at prospecting in the streets around Hatton Garden Photo: FRANTZESCO KANGARIS

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The dirt is thoroughly soaked and shaken in a pan to get rid of soil and hair

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Sunday Telegraph reporter Jasper Copping, examining the 'dirt' from between the cracks of pavements from Hatton Garden in London, with former world gold panning champion, Malcolm Thomas at his home in Liverton, East Cleveland

Dick Whittington was right. The streets of London really are paved with gold – and you can find it if you scrape hard enough.

The Sunday Telegraph has collected quantities of the precious metal from cracks in the pavements outside the capital's most famous jewellers.

Our quest was inspired by 43-year-old New Yorker Raffi Stepanian, who crawls around on the sidewalks of Manhattan's "diamond district" looking for chips of gemstones and tiny pieces of gold.

The "urban miner" claimed last week to have collected a haul worth roughly $1,000 (£620) over the course of a fortnight - mostly gold fragments which are thought to rub off the clothes or shoes of jewellery workers.

The pieces can be so small that they are only recoverable when Mr Stepanian pans the scraped-up dirt using a bowl of water, like a nineteenth-century prospector.

Armed with same equipment as Mr Stepanian – tweezers, butter knife and a plastic cup – we start to dig in Hatton Garden, the central London street that is home to dozens of jewellers.
The traders are initially suspicious and then – once appraised of our objective – sceptical.
They point out that they take precautions to prevent even tiny scraps of metal from being lost.
Workers who cut gold with power tools wear special aprons to collect fragments, their clothes are inspected at the end of shifts, and even the water they wash their hands in is collected in a tank from which gold can be retrieved.

Undeterred, we continue digging. The richest seam should be along the pavement kerbs, where a slight lip means that any detritus washed away by rain will be deposited. We also pick along cracks by doorsteps and under a bench.

Much of the street has been repaved by the local council in recent years and it is a depressing thought that the mother lode could have vanished in the tonnes of rubble taken away.

Of more immediate concern are the street cleaners who patrol frequently, innocently sweeping away rubbish that could contain riches.

A day's digging yields no obvious valuables, merely seven pints (three litres) - around 7lbs (3kg) - of what we hope will be paydirt. It includes soil, moss, used chewing gum and human hair.

For the next stage we employ the help of Malcolm Thomas, 67, president of the British Gold Panning Association, the 2007 world champion and three-time British champion.

The dirt is thoroughly soaked and shaken in a pan to get rid of soil and hair. The residue is tipped into a bowl of flowing water, which washes away lighter particles such as sand. Because gold is very heavy for its size, it will remain behind.

After around half an hour, we are left with collection of mysterious-looking specks in the bottom of the whirlpool.
But the material, weighing around a sixth of a grain (0.01g) is smaller than the gold flakes found by panners in streams and rivers and, as such, cannot be positively identified by Mr Thomas.

"It looks like gold and responds like gold. But I can't be sure," he says.

To find out for certain, we return to Hatton Garden. Yigal Tobi, a jeweller, examines it carefully through his loupe and gives the good news first. "You've got gold in there. There are multiple pieces."

And then the bad news: "But you're not going to make a lot of money from it."

Some of what we have left is simply grit. What gold there is, is in a form known as "lemel" – the dust-like substance produced by the machining of gold, which also contains impurities.

Gold can be recovered from it but the exact quantity and quality will only be known once it has been melted at more than 1,800 degrees F (1,000 degrees C) and then analysed, or "assayed". But even if all of our remaining material was pure gold, it still be would be worth less than 30p.

Our measly return - less than 0.0004oz (0.01g) of gold - compares with Mr Stepanian's apparent ratio of around one ounce (28g) of gold from the same amount of collected dirt.

Told of our results, Mr Stepanian said: "Maybe you should bring me to London to show you how to do it. If your streets have been repaved then any gold is most likely under whatever has been laid, unless the dirt was removed.

"Or maybe your jewellers are more careful than ours."

Mr Tobi has one other suggestion for striking gold, but it is even less appealing than the methods we have employed.

"The sewers. If there is gold in the street, there will be a lot more in there, where it has been washed away. That's where you will find your gold – a lot more."
I saw a thing about this guy on a tv commercial!