I watched a recent show regarding cyber attacks and it included Stuxnet. It was a very advanced program. Companies such as Symantec has reviewed code and many words refer to China, however, US officials were also questioned and they couldn't say whether or not we were involved. Besides the Governments, the amount of knowledge these private individuals or companies have is pretty scary. It's only a matter of time until we won't be able to do much of anything online in fear of cyber attacks. The show mentioned a few of agencies and companies that get thousands cyber attacks each year. Our Government along received nearly 400,000 attacks last year. It also showed how a lot of our transportation, water, and electric facilities are not as highly protected leaving our resources vulnerable to attacks.
Just yesterday Citigroup was hacked and 200,000 customers had data stolen.
The list of major companies, Governments, and entire countries that have been hacked this year is just insane and is only going to get worse. Our technology is growing faster than our security. Don't get me started on wireless security issues!!!!