Talk about disrespect...

And what was the purpose of doing that?...
That's ridiculous! What is wrong with kids these day! I mean I'm 24 but I never did anything like that. They took it way to far buy throwing that snow in that guys car on him
Another reason why China is kicking our ***.
All those punk kids would have their booty hole tore up if any of them were to be thrown in jail bunch of mentally insane kids. Probably all the drugs that have been done. And the way our schooling system works now days. Kids think their untouchable.
There was an article about that a few days ago. I guess they had a snow day at the Univesity of Oregon & that happened.

The incident started out innocently enough as members of the school's football team invited students to join a snowball fight at a snow covered field as a way to thank them for their support during the season. Police are investigating the incident in which a friendly fight between football players and students turned sour. Authorities are trying to identify the students involved.
At times like this, Since I cant use my bow or hand gun, I think I would equally fight them with a paint ball gun... they think theyre so cute with their snow.... sry, I get anal when it comes to my car.
At times like this, Since I cant use my bow or hand gun, I think I would equally fight them with a paint ball gun... they think theyre so cute with their snow.... sry, I get anal when it comes to my car.

Well luckily you don't have to worry about your car being pelted with snow balls down there in Houston :giggle:
Probably not snow but there is a reason why I carry a hand gun and sometimes a bow in my car... as long as people respect, I'll do the same.
thats a shame. smh. being a fan of the oregon football team, theres nothing really I can say to this. its terrible. Now the people are saying the football team should be disciplined for this. Though it looks as if a football player may have been involved.
Notice when the driver approached a couple of the guys and they ran off?

Everyone involved, no matter if they play sports or not, should be disciplined.
This is clearly why I LOVE the castle doctrine in my state...I have the right to protect my home, work place and vehicle at any time I feel threatened, and by law I am allowed to shoot if I feel that my safety is in danger...there would have been many dead students!
I'm currently on a college campus, and know the feeling. I chewed out some kids from grabbing snow off of my hood. There's nothing that aggravates me more than people touching my car. On the bright side, yelling at those idiots got the stress of finals out of my system. ;)
The movie 'Elf' was on yesterday, and after watching this, all i could think of was if Buddy the Elf jumped out of the car he could've destroyed those guys!!