Teenager steers school bus to safety after driver has heart attack


Teenager steers school bus to safety after driver has heart attack

A quick-thinking seventh grader steered a school bus to safety after the driver was stricken with a heart attack in the state of Washington on Monday.

Jeremy Wuitschick was on his way to school with 12 other students when he noticed something was wrong with the bus driver.

"I knew something was bad because he looked like he was having a seizure and choking," Jeremy said after the incident.

The 13-year-old immediately jumped up, grabbed the wheel and directed the bus toward a curb where he pulled the key from the ignition.

He then began chest compressions on the unconcious driver.

Jeremy told KOMO News: “I was just acting on instinct. It was all happening really quickly and it wasn’t like the movie ones when they scream and stuff.”

Another student, Johnny Wood said he knew CPR and took over performing chest compressions on the driver while other students called for emergency dispatchers.

CCTV from the school bus, which was driving students to Surprise Lake Middle School in Milton, Washington, showed the boys acting calmly during the situation.

Police arrived soon after Jeremy stopped the bus and all 12 students were safely evacuated.

The boy’s actions are being called "heroic" and local authorities are praising him for his bravery and "quick-thinking".

Milton Police Chief Bill Rhodes told ABC News: “He did the right thing and we're going to do something for him. The kid definitely deserves credit.”

Deputy Schools Superintendent Jeff Short told The News Tribune newspaper that students review emergency procedure drills several times during the school year, even learning what to do when the bus driver is incapacitated.

The 43-year-old driver, who has not been identified, was taken to the hospital in "a grave condition", he told the paper.

Article from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...-to-safety-after-driver-has-heart-attack.html