Unusual Noise from Rear Wheel Well over bumps (Not coil)


New Member
I have a 2012 Honda Civic LX that I bought from Carmax (I know. There's my first mistake). Ever since about a month after purchase, there has been an unnerving noise coming from the rear driver-side wheel well.

It occurs going over uneven ground, especially speed bumps and humps.
It is worse during cold weather and lighter during constant warm weather.

It has been checked out by my own personal Honda Certified mechanic as well as the actual Honda service garage. And one more time at the place I get my tires.

They all say the same thing. We don't see anything wrong.

The Noise
There are 3 distinct noises. All when going over uneven ground, speed bumps, and speed humps

: A squeaking / creaking noise (originally thought to be the coil but wasn't)
2: A plunger-type noise. Very loud on uneven road and speed bumps. - Initially thought to be the shock. But that was replaced at the Honda Dealership service garage as the first attempt to fix this noise problem a year and 1/2 ago.
3: The final noise is the worst. And unfortunately very difficult to describe. But I'll try.
- It sounds like loose parts moving around. Sometimes metal on metal jingling around.

Interesting observation (tested just recently).
When the car has been looked at in a professional garage, either for this specific problem or just to get new tires, they jack the car up using a lift. This keeps the wheels and all connections flat and possibly hyper extends them. Basically the wheels do not hang loose.

Each time this is done, usually, 3 days go by where the noises completely cease. Then like clockwork, they return usually with a vengeance.

A few weeks ago, we had the wheel rim replaced when getting new tires. The tire store said the center hole that the axle goes through was completely warped and causes the wheel to wobble like the Grizwald's car on National Lampoons Vacation movies (after the desert accident scene). He showed me this on the balancing machine.
Then after replacing it and installing the new tires, the sounds were completely gone. Then 3 days later they were back and worse than ever.

This past Saturday, I had my brother-in-law (works on cars) jack up the car and look at it. He used a 2nd jack to put tension on the wheel while the car was up. He did a series of tension and release.
He then sprayed a White Lithium grease (looked like a WD 40 can but grease instead) at all of the bushings and moving parts... Just to try something. For the next 3 days, nearly all of the sounds (creaking and squeaking) disappeared (however Noise #3 hung around in a diminished capacity).

On Tuesday Morning I asked my wife if it was still quiet and she said it was just as loud as before he looked at it. And it began as soon as she back off the driveway into the road this morning.


Does anyone have any ideas what this could be?
I believe that this wheel well may have been the site of a possible fender bender or something before we bought the car but it doesn't show up on Carfax. But there is definite evidence.
Go to your local Honda dealer and ask them to do inspection on your car. Probably it was in the accident. That's why it was sold by Carmax.
Thanks for the reply. But that's just it. The first time that my personal mechanic looked at the car during the 30,000 mile maintenance, he noticed some weird stuff that shouldn't be on a new-ish car. Lots of painted areas all over the car. He said that it was either in a wreck or a fender bender or something.

After he told me this, I immediately called the honda dealer service center, then took it right over. I asked them point blank if the car had been in a wreck and they said, "No."

I then took it back to Carmax where I sat in the garage area for 2 hours and went through their "Potential Car" inspection twice with two different crews.
No one seemed to find any evidence that it had been in a wreck.

And the Carfax report is clean.
Carfax can come back clean despite being in a wreck. The repair shop has to submit the info to carfax for it to show up, and they are given incentives to do that. It doesn't mean every shop reports the wrecks though. I've talked to a handful of shops that don't report back.

I don't have a 9th gen handy to look at, but there are things you can look for yourself. If you look around the car, do you see the vin stickers on the doors? You'd have vin stickers on the hood, the frame on the inside of the front door opening, trunk etc. Others may be able to post pics of their exact locations. If parts were replaced/repainted... those stickers will likely be gone.

I thought that car companies usually report to carfax.
Im going to say its probably been wrecked and not reported. And the noise is probably the sway bar and bushings
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I thought that car companies usually report to carfax.
they get kickbacks for reporting stuff to carfax. Think of how many independent repair shops exist. Not all of them report the repairs to carfax. One company I talked to was extremely against carfax. He's like ,"No matter how much they offer me, I'm not going to send the info to them". He felt it wasn't fair for owners to be dinged on repair work when trading your car in. He's like, "If I do my job and fix your car, you shouldn't be offered less money when trading it in". I'm not saying I agree one way or the other. I'm just reporting what he said to me.
It seems to be very suspicious for having been in a wreck and if the wheel guy was able to find something bent there is probably more bent stuff hiding as well. Perhaps it was not in a wreck but they just drove over a curb or hit a really bad pothole and bent some stuff. Bent knuckle possibly but the knuckle itself probably isn't deformed, just the lower control arm and upper arm I'd bet.

What does an alignment show? Is everything within spec? That might help narrow it down.

I suspect a bent LCA or a shot rear upper control arm. Check the sway bar end links also. That;s all I've got. Start with an alignment though.
I agree with @Nix .... he seems to be in the right frame of thought.
I'd be replacing some left rear suspension parts..........
Or a second thought, see if Carmax will do an alignment for you since they know of the issues you have been having. If the car is out of spec and they can't get it adjusted into factory range then you might be able to return the car. I don't know how carmax works or their rules but it would seem to me that if they sold something defective or damaged that they would do well to get you into something else.
sounds like he's had the car for a year and a half +
Thanks. I get the alignment done. I don't think we've ever done that.

But why, when the car gets jacked up, does the noise stop for 3 days, then suddenly come back? Every time.
Shot bushing somewhere that gets rotated out of position and eventually works it's way back to where it was? That's all I can come up with.

What did the alignment come up with? Or I misread that and you have not had it done yet.