STOLEN Valve Caps and I FOUND the A$$HOLE who took them!!


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Virginia Beach, VA
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I wouldn't ruin a person's car over stolen valve caps though. Flattening the tires w/o destroying them would be just enough for me.
Very true, But you gotta get your $5 back. Nothing in this world is free. Supergluing the caps on will maybe ruin the valves but most likely will give him a fit, depending on how much he knows about cars it might cost him 4 valves.


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Houston, Tx
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Take the valves out and then glue the caps back on...

There is a on campus officer that patrols the parking lot and I don't want him to catch me doing that cause it'd probably take awhile to bring out the glue and all then he notice me and take me to jail or something for messing with the guys car?..


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Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
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Keying someone's car because the op stole back something that is his wouldn't make sense. Lol.
yeh but if he had touched the car once then he'll do it again. In all honesty, I'd be very reasonable. But you need to plan ahead... Here is my DIY guide :)

When you leave the house tomorrow, lay your rear seats down, and put black garbage bags all in the trunk. Bring 3 heavy duty T&B Ty-Raps, a small knife or scissors and the 9mm pistol of your choice. Get to school and look for his car. Wait by his car for him to get back. Wait as long as it takes. When you see him, ask him what would make him touch your car. Before he responds, shoot him in both legs, you'll have plenty of time to hear all the excuses in the world... Use the 3 Ty-Raps you brought, use one for his legs, one for his hands, and put the last around his dickk just to make him uncomfortable. The toss him in your trunk on top of those bags you put in earlier. Wouldn't want him bleeding or sweating in your car. Hop in your car and start doing some spirited driving, feel free to drive around for several hours for added enjoyment :)

Once you're done driving around, go fill up at the gas station. Drive about 50 to 60 miles out of town, and dump the little guy in a ditch somewhere. Use the scissors to cut off all his clothes. take his shoes, socks everything... if he's going to steal from you, you want to make him know how it feels to be stolen from. If he has any money in his wallet, be sure to burn it all but one (preferably the lowest value) Then tell him to think twice about stealing from you again.

You can now drive away, or simply shoot him in the shoulders or in the feet, either works great :)

This is how we deal with thieves. In less humane countries, they just simply cut off your hands :)


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SW Virginia
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My rule of thumb, is never to do anything that may result in retaliation when they know where they can find my house or car/mc.
Exception to the rule, is if they've done something major, then do what the crime exacts.


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I like where this thread headed from how should i get my valve caps back

then again, dont want to be caught in the act and be like :


Well-Known Member
SW Virginia
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2012 Civic EX
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Coupe FG3:ASM
Another rule of thumb is not to have stickers on my car that might give someone pause to want to damage my car or steal something that might be inside of it, like guns/drugs/high dollar stereo(don't play it loud near where you park on a regular basis).


Well-Known Member
SW Virginia
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2012 Civic EX
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Coupe FG3:ASM
Now it might make you feel better if you were to park next to this guy again and compliment him on his nice set of valve covers, without saying anything about yours having been stolen(he'll know he did it,if he did, and he'll always be Leary about what and when you may retaliate).


Well-Known Member
Mount Olympus
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Another rule of thumb is not to have stickers on my car that might give someone pause to want to damage my car or steal something that might be inside of it, like guns/drugs/high dollar stereo(don't play it loud near where you park on a regular basis).
Or if you keep your car stock, then nobody will even take a second look at it. You'll be car will be safe forever.


Well-Known Member
Virginia Beach, VA
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In all seriousness Karma finds it way back. It is $5 but some people need to be shown why its important to buy your own and not steal others. i thinking gluing the caps on is quick easy and the least amout of damage that could be done besides deflating the tires. If you feel really froggy just prop some nails up under his tires and call it day.


Well-Known Member
SW Virginia
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2012 Civic EX
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Coupe FG3:ASM
Or if you keep your car stock, then nobody will even take a second look at it. You'll be car will be safe forever.
I get what youre saying, but I didn't say not to add "nice" things to our cars, just the things that might pess others off.


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
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It's A Fast Pig!
1) Mark the new ones. ( Put your initials inside them?)

2) Swap them.

3) Call security and say they were stolen earlier in the week/few days ago and didn't think you would see them again.

4) Ask them to check and see if they are your marked caps.

5) Wait for D-Bag.....Nailed by security/police in safe manner and you followed appropriate steps. Woo hoo.


Well-Known Member
SW Virginia
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2012 Civic EX
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Coupe FG3:ASM
In all seriousness Karma finds it way back. It is $5 but some people need to be shown why its important to buy your own and not steal others. i thinking gluing the caps on is quick easy and the least amount of damage that could be done besides deflating the tires. If you feel really froggy just prop some nails up under his tires and call it day.
I have no problem retaliating, by any form, as long as it doesn't come back on me or my shet again. Some times you have to be bigger/smarter than they are.


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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Is it possible that maybe somebody else took them and he just bought some as you did since he liked them? :)

I would ask him about it without too much preparation and if you pay attention to his body language you'll know right away if he took them or not. If he did complain to the campus officials if he did not nothing you can do and got new ones already, could have found the car keyed or broken in which costs a bit more than 5 bucks. Basic conflict resolution usually says first confront the person and give them a chance to justify the situation. I find it works and sometimes reality is different than appearances. Very few people can lie without letting it show...


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Concord, NC
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Okay so here is the background of the story.

My Valve Covers Below

View attachment 9541

I go to HCC (Houston Community College) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My first class is at 8:00am. Last Tuesday I pulled into the school parking lot around 7:55am with a G37S who was right behind me. There was a corner spot that has a big tree with lots of shade so I backed into the spot. The G37S backs in right next to me and we both are parked butt first under the tree. As I'm getting my books together for class I notice the guy driving the G (Caucasian, buff, in his late 20's) looking at my car through his window. His eyes are focused on my front passenger rim. I didn't think much cause they are flashy so they tend to get many stares. I get all my things and head into the building while he continues to sit in his car. I have 4 classes back to back so I don't get to my car until 2:00pm. When I go back to my car the G37S is gone and I notice my Valve Covers are gone. ALL FOUR OF THEM. I was pissed but at the time I didn't think the G37S took them. Why would someone with a nicer car take my valve covers? So I forget about it and boight the exact same ones the next day. My valve covers are a shiny red/pink color and Ive never seen another car with them.

So today, I was a little late so I didn't get to HCC until around 8:05am. I park far back. As I walk to the building I notice the G37S in a front spot near the building. I pass between his car and I notice my red/pink valve covers on his wheels. When I saw that I was like are you serious? I took a couple pics for proof and went to class.

View attachment 9539
View attachment 9540

Now, I'm in class and I'm trying to figure out how I should approach this. What should I do? Should I take them back? Confront him and ask if he stole them? Notify the officer on campus?

P.S. The G37S has Army Plates so I'm guessing he served. I'm not saying that changes anything but just an FYI.
I would find small rocks or BBs that fit kinda snug in a standard valve cap and make 4 of em. Take your valve caps back and replace with your newly modified ones. Tighten them just enough so there's a slow leak. He won't figure out what's wrong with it for a long time. You can even paint the caps so they match the ones you replace. Haha


Well-Known Member
Concord, NC
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Accord Sport
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I'd take them back by removing the entire stems from his wheels. Four dead tires and no way to air them up... have a nice day.
This one is a great idea. With a valve tool you can get the stems out in less than a minute. Even better, just loosen them so they leak but don't look like they've been tampered with.