Betty White tying da twisties like skrewlaces Wit dat possible *Whine* on teh Side... bout dat lyfe.


Well-Known Member
MID-ATL CREW # 217 (Glenn Dale, MD)
Vehicle Model
FG1 & FA5
Body Style
Coupe & Sedan
You want to hold the power button and home button at the same time until you see the apple logo

thanks for the info. I just realized the other day if u swipe ur messages to the left u see all the time stamps from each message. blown face lol I use to talk crap about that all the time how it doesn't show all time stamps
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Well-Known Member
MID-ATL CREW (fort washington md)
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
thanks for the info. I just realized the other day if u swipe ur messages to the left u see all the time stamps from each message. blown face lol I use to talk crap about that all the time how it doesn't show all time stamps
Well it's like a reset for the phone. Like on android and other device you can remove the battery and it normally fixed the issue. Same with the iPhone. But since you can't remove the battery that's how you reset it! @5SK
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