Off topic. Do u have a full pic of the Saturn in your avatar? Lol
There's a pretty cool story behind this one. The owner of my company lent me money to buy a car. I knew I wanted a Saturn for ease of maintenance and gas mileage. When I found this one I had to get it. 5 speed, sunroof, decent shape, interior was flawless. When I drove it to work the first time, he said "wow, that shitbox won't last a year." And he actually wrote a dated note saying it won't last past 7/1/16. On that exact day I rearended someone.. He passed away unexpectedly on 2-5-16...But I couldn't let him win, I rebuilt it and still drive it today. I wanted to keep it reliable enough to daily but mod it for fun. I have the list on my profile. Best car I've ever owned.I've always liked sl2's. Just never had the balls to build one.
man I just l love how that thing sits on those rims. Thanks for sharing.