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  1. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

  2. SOLO8thGenSi

    How To Wash You Vehicle: 2 Bucket Method

    Toyota Highlander?
  3. SOLO8thGenSi

    How To Wash You Vehicle: 2 Bucket Method

    awesome write-up! just the way Robert likes to wash his car(s). :clapping:
  4. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    hey Robert, i've heard of "back fat" but omg this one definitely trumps that without a doubt. i dub thee "back of the head fat" or "football neck" lolol :rotfl:
  5. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    you need to tone down the alcoholism a touch there 'stina ;) j/k... but srsly, you're ALWAYS sick. you'd think your body would eventually get tired of always being sick :sadface: hope you feel better soon! ps- i got my 100 posts trophy :woowoo:
  6. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    AHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!! ^ nice one!
  7. SOLO8thGenSi

    Garden State Honda - Experiences [ONGOING]

    i wish i could... but the only way i can assist is by knowing dealer #s (for example, mine is 208530) in the iN.Honda system. i can see what is on-ground, in-transit, or on-order when i have that information. i just asked today b/c i noticed we have coupes finally on-order for our allocation; i...
  8. SOLO8thGenSi

    Osama Bin Laden Is dead

    agreed! ^ although i would certainly hope Obama wouldn't take a risk regarding his credibility with the entire nation... let alone the world. that would be a definite blow to his hopes of re-election. then again, stranger things have happen. so i will just agree with you and demand proof in...
  9. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    wrong... i was ASLEEP before 11PM last night :sleep: and oddly enough, i awoke at 7:04AM this morning before my 7:15AM alarm. weeeeeeeird! worked all day and left early 4:30PM. drove home, went to Publix by Angel/Brett's. grabbed a 6-pack of Bud Light Lime, some tortilla chips, and a Snickers...
  10. SOLO8thGenSi

    Osama Bin Laden Is dead

    the photos leaked on Reuters are extremely graphic and definitely not fake. has anyone else seen them? my friend Mike posted a link on Facebook last night. definitely NOT for the squeamish. i'm one of those types but i had to take a look. i've never seen THAT much blood and destruction before in...
  11. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    lmao, now that's funny right there!! haha not much... except a bunch of drunks that, no doubt, probably will have to work on Friday. and will therefore be an absolute ATROCITY to work with and/or around tomorrow. :spazface:
  12. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    pics of.....? btw, Happy Cinco de Mayo/Drunk-O :beer:
  13. SOLO8thGenSi

    Fast 5 - 4.29.11

    whether it's by an inch or a mile... you're still all h0mo if you're in ANY of those riced out F&F cars :giggle:
  14. SOLO8thGenSi

    Honda to shift production schedules in North America

    DEFINITELY feeling the pinch here. no doubt about it! :sadwavey: i just secured a Fit Sport and an Insight EX on return trades from Tampa Honda Land and Honda of Fort Myers the past 2 days. you better BELIEVE i'm holding onto those bad boys. that and the 3 CR-Zs i currently have in inventory...
  15. SOLO8thGenSi

    2012 in the wild....

    correct ^ it's been dubbed the Panda Orlando SC'd TW FA5. or something like that. :drooling:
  16. SOLO8thGenSi

    Osama Bin Laden Is dead

    why did gas prices go up a DIME here overnight after the news of OBL's death???????? at bad as it sounds, i'd wish him back alive to save 10c at the pump. grrrrrrrrrrr!!! $4.17/gal yesterday when i filled up. don't get it ...stock market goes on an upswing the day after, and yet, so does the...
  17. SOLO8thGenSi

    Official Orlando Chat Thread

    hahah win! ^ :paper: the count is down to 48 new here @ HQ Honda. :spazface:
  18. SOLO8thGenSi

    Miata owner pulls fast and the furious move

    you are correct... hence the IDIOTIC reference in my post. and Matt's.
  19. SOLO8thGenSi

    Fast 5 - 4.29.11

    fixed ;)
  20. SOLO8thGenSi

    Fast 5 - 4.29.11

    good point Webby, "The Rock" doesn't cook. not in the least. FAAAAAAAAILURE! :(