Search results

  1. mattsbobo

    9th Gen Honda Civic S-TC2000 Race Car From Argentina

    Wiki link in the first post. :thumb:
  2. mattsbobo

    9th Gen Honda Civic S-TC2000 Race Car From Argentina

    I've always loved the 1st gen Insight....especially after LHT Performance did the first K swap on one. The owner was also the first person to do the K swap on the CR-Z. I think it's pretty awesome that he bought...
  3. mattsbobo

    9th Gen Honda Civic S-TC2000 Race Car From Argentina

    Yeah I still haven't figured out what that's all about. The Facebook group I stumbled across that had all these pics showed other makes from the series, and some of them had those rear wheel fairings as well. It's neat looking, but it makes you :scratches: a little. Either way though...race...
  4. mattsbobo

    Hyundai HND-9 Concept

    It's mighty cool looking. The first pic reminds me of a Spyker
  5. mattsbobo

    Official NC Chat Thread

    Hell yeah I would, and I'm sure greg porter Nomar06 and PainIs4ThaWeak (if he's free) would be down as well. :thumbsup:
  6. mattsbobo

    9th Civic Milk Crew a.k.a Moo Crew

    While I admit freely that I haven't read past the first page of this thread, I'm a bit disappointed to see that none of you hard core milk addicts have claimed coconut, strawberry milk, or even milkshakes for that matter. :giggle:
  7. mattsbobo

    Post Up Your Die Cast Car Collection!!!

    That's awesome! I love the custom touches. :thumbsup:
  8. mattsbobo

    Official NC Chat Thread

    We try to every once in a while. It's hard though because most of us are scattered between the Raleigh/Durham, Greensboro, and Charlotte areas. The one time we all make it a priority to get together is for the big Dragon Meet in Sept. :thumbsup:
  9. mattsbobo

    Thanks Guys :)

    :yeahthat: :giggle: Like a free supercharger. I gotz to get me one of those. :pray:
  10. mattsbobo

    Official NC Chat Thread

    :pat: I was never a fan of the stock wheels. They always reminded me of those daisy wheels people got for their Beetle's. :hiding:
  11. mattsbobo

    Post Up Your Race Car Pics!!!! (pics YOU took, not internet pics you like)

    I can't imagine how freaking loud it was with all the engine noise bouncing off those buildings. :driving:
  12. mattsbobo

    Post Up Your Race Car Pics!!!! (pics YOU took, not internet pics you like)

    PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! Somebody else FINALLY posted! :giggle:
  13. mattsbobo

    Post Up Your Race Car Pics!!!! (pics YOU took, not internet pics you like)

    Turbocharged Odyssey built/driven by Honda engineers from the Alabama plant. :thumbsup:
  14. mattsbobo

    p2r ported im runners

  15. mattsbobo

    Post Up Your Die Cast Car Collection!!!

    :giggle: You didn't waste any time getting one of those Spoon S2K's. You're lucky. When mine arrived the spoiler was broken. :sadface:
  16. mattsbobo

    Official NC Chat Thread

    If you can get something for them you might as well sell them