There are a few OEM wheels that I've liked in the past, but none I would buy over aftermarkets. The EP3R wheels are some of my favorite OEM wheels. For what OEM wheels weigh though, I could never justify spending money on any.
Hi guys! I'm Matt, and I'm a bit of a toy collecting, sci fi, cartoon loving dork who also has a big spot in my heart for animals. Like everybody else here I love cars, but never seem to have the money to buy what I want. I'm currently driving our old colleague NitrousG35/Wild Bill's car which I...
I know right? Here's what I just posted on Randy's Pizza FB wall:
"Since I moved back to Greensboro in November I've been unable to find and acceptable replacement pizza for the 18" Canadian bacon & bl olive pie I would get from you guys every week, so I just started smoking crack. Hell, I...
Previously mentioned Randy's Pizza:
Got-damn I miss them. I think I'm going to post on their FB wall that after moving to Greensboro I started smoking crack because I couldn't find a suitable replacement pizza.
One of my sets of dream wheels are CE28N's. :drooling: Personally I've never seen the appeal of the RSX wheels. It boggles my mind really, but tons of people seem to love them.
My favorite food on the planet. :drooling:
Since I moved back to Greensboro from Raleigh I've been having dt's from my lack of Randy's Pizza. That's some of the best stuff EVER. I even took a picture of one of my pizzas because it was the most beautiful pizza I had ever purchased. I loved...
Thanks for the info Webster. As it turns out (after an exhaustive search for the problem) my ECU had been grounded (most definitely not by me) to the not all that conductive Skunk 2 TB. :ohnoes: My mechanic Jim told me he way amazed that the ECU was never fried.
Your car's super sexy looking. We've got the same wheels, although since I'm about the 3rd owner, I'm sure yours are in MUCH better shape. Once I have money again I'll get them redone, but they are what they are at the moment.
Man that 00 Si was CA-LEEEEEAAAN looking, and your Scuby is super smexytime. You said that was an older pic of your FA5. Is it still mostly stock still, or have you been modding it as well?
Welcome and congrats on the new ride! My suggestion: You shouldn't go from 17's to 16's. The smaller wheels would look a little odd. That being said, it's your car and no matter what kind of online suggestions you get from people about what you should, and shouldn't buy, in the end get what YOU...
If I'm recalling correctly the plate that was on the car at the time of the wreck was just a generic alpha numeric unit the NC DOT made me use. I have a bit of a long history with the DOT where I'll order a really funny plate that makes it through the online profanity filter, but then several...
Agreed. After the initial impact I was in total shock. The only thing I remember anybody saying to me was one of the cops when he said the seat and side curtain airbags probably saved my life.
Thanks Gympers. I'm pissed though because a few of the pics I keep trying to post bring up those...