Well they kinda do that for the r18s but I get what ur saying but I like the red everything haha. But I would be better for that option it would attract more buyers
Haha yeah iv been taking percautions with that. And I just gotta wait a cupple of months for the build to begine. ( my own desision) but its hard not buying things now but I wanna buy everything at once.
Im glad to hear that thanx bud! My rims are 18s stock and right now I'm on the stock 225 40 18 all the way around. Do you have to keep the tire width the same on the front and back?
That's too bad I hope I get them. And do u think 225 will be ok for the s/c I just want as much grip as I can get
Edit: I guess if I get traction control it wouldn't matter would it? sorry if I'm flooding u with questions lol