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  1. Itsbiggs

    Extra Life 2013

    Received an anonymous donation after posting this up not sure if it came from here or my Facebook. If it came from here I want to thank the person who did it i greatly appreciate it. My team is now 400 from their goal and I am 140 from my stretch goal. If you could share with your friends my...
  2. Itsbiggs

    Extra Life 2013

    Could be a different world this year haha I don't know.
  3. Itsbiggs

    Extra Life 2013

    Yeah, they have their team, mine is independent, last year I tried posting there and I got downvoted to hell because I wasn't on their team hah, unless it has changed this year.
  4. Itsbiggs

    Extra Life 2013

    Not sure if this is the right place, sorry if it is not. I have a team for Extra-Life, I've done this every year (you can find details on My team page is here: I will be livestreaming this whole event...
  5. Itsbiggs

    Sill Plate

    Thats the point haha, I want them in red, it wouldnt be hard for Honda to do that.
  6. Itsbiggs

    Sill Plate

    How come the non-SI gets these: However the SI does not get a red version... Is there anyone out there that does this, I cannot find any, but my google-fu may be lacking. I think it would look awesome.
  7. Itsbiggs

    How Much Did You Pay For Your 2012 Honda Civic

    More like dealer got scared that it would have a birthday, or already did. Thing with Honda, they drop interest in old models after awhile and you will NEVER be able to sell them vs. new models. You did steal it, the dealership likely lost money, but not as much as having to keep that on their...
  8. Itsbiggs

    Michiana Area Thread (Southwest MICHigan/North Central IndIANA)

    I'm south central Michigan haha! Jackson to be exact. Don't really fit your criteria though I guess
  9. Itsbiggs

    MI thread..

    Jackson here, not many michiganders? My neighbor has a 8th gen si saw him staring my 9th down hard today haha
  10. Itsbiggs

    Ordered aFeTakeda CAI for my '12 Si

    Thinking about buying one next month not sure which one to get... The Takeda or K & N... I am mainly going for sound and some gains. Not sure which one to get!
  11. Itsbiggs

    Something that perplexes me.

    We all love 9th! Now let me get my plate frame to show it.
  12. Itsbiggs

    Something that perplexes me.

    I had a MX-5 before this and the forums were insanely active... Then again it covered every generation haha.
  13. Itsbiggs

    Something that perplexes me.

    I agree and I'm going to try to be very active here!
  14. Itsbiggs

    Something that perplexes me.

    And to think I work in a Honda dealership.
  15. Itsbiggs

    Something that perplexes me.

    To sum it all up. Community is awesome here and people don't get pissed if you ask a question that may have been asked before. In closing, I love you guys :-D
  16. Itsbiggs

    Something that perplexes me.

    That's what I'm saying! Everyone here is super helpful and awesome... And the admin I'd very active. It's nice
  17. Itsbiggs

    Something that perplexes me.

    We are clearly better than *************** but yet we are smaller. We need a resurgence! I've found more useful info here than there. I'm sure many people are probably members at both, I don't know, but I know this place has been far more useful to me than there has been. I want to see the...
  18. Itsbiggs

    My new 9th!

    Love the looks of the new accord... Had I could have afforded it I would have looked at V6 Accord coupe. Love love my Si though
  19. Itsbiggs

    Hello everyone! 2013 Si Sedan

    Not sure yet... I'm definitely a function over form kind of guy so I'd rather spend money making it go faster than appearance. Plus I think it's sexy as hell the way it's sitting right now haha
  20. Itsbiggs

    Any other dealership employees here?

    They don't wanna be known lol... Well I'm here if anyone has any questions!