DIY DIY Accelerator pedal 'clip-on' for easier Heel & Toe


Well-Known Member
Cerritos , Komifornia
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
I find that my car loves a heel and toe double de-clutches on down shifts - the gear just slots in to the lower gear so creamily smooth - no matter how well or poorly I manage to do blip the revs. My gear lever seems to bulk quite a lot without it - but still goes in - just does not do so smoothly.

A small possible tip for those that are not practised with this old fashioned double de-clutch business - I find that just pausing the gear lever in neutral for just one half second, most times seems to help quite a bit. S,o say you are in fourth gear and tearing into a tight second gear corner while under brakes instead of keeping it in forth till just before needing to whip it to second to power out of the corner, about one second before that, dip the clutch, take it out o fourth and deliberately pause it for just a moment in neutral before hooking second. (I cannot technically figure why this should help - I understnd the rev blip to help match the synchro cone dogs - but this pause in neutral? Anyway it seems to help a little bit on my car - but 99% of the time I will double de-clutch - besides its fun and sounds great if I get it close to right!)
wouldnt this unload your suspension and cause the car to shift weight back to the center and cause too much unsettling movement of the car ???