Na it’s not leaving the house.
Don't take this the wrong way... but you would choose the Byrna over a handgun if you had both at home?
Don't take this the wrong way... but you would choose the Byrna over a handgun if you had both at home?
I have a hand gun. Tons of pallet guns. A shotgun. A Winchester lever action. I just don’t really tell people or just say I don’t have any cause people here in Cali can be real sensitive about anything ever.
I have a hand gun. Tons of pallet guns. A shotgun. A Winchester lever action. I just don’t really tell people or just say I don’t have any cause people here in Cali can be real sensitive about anything ever.
I think Texas would let me have an Attack Elephant if I wanted
Morning Happy Friday!
Sooooo tired...
I blame @ron v , @ElDiabloBlanco , @Honda-Fan , @fahnix for making me stay up late playing video games!
Good morning ! It was a lot of fun
Yes it was a lot of fun. We'll get the kinks worked out to make it easier to setup/play more.
I blame Microsoft (for Forza issues) and Epic (for Rocket League issues).
Ur butthole gonna hate u later.
That’ll be a pass for me
Ooooh, reaper has a kinda smokey heat. You'll like it!
Also Paqui is made here in Austin.
Co-workers said I looked pale as a ghost
This is why it's called that!