States/towns Bad road maintenance


Well-Known Member
So, I was traveling home tonight and they have the highway all split going different lanes and whatnot. They decided that the bridge work they are doing would be fine for people to travel over at 50mph. It was like a damn jump. Car still tracks straight, no shaking but I couldn't avoid it. No signs for bump, nothing.

Just hoping my struts are ok since I'm lowered. I looked when I got home, not fluid so I'm sure they are ok, I'm just mad.

Is there anything you can do to make the state fix your car if say something did happen in a situation like this?


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
I don't think you can do anything if your car is damaged by bad roads. Unless they made some sort of repair that ended up being the cause, just normal decay no. Also in a work zone I think you would lose out on them just saying it was under repair, you should have known to go slower.


Well-Known Member
This is the middle of the highway, if your going under 40mph your getting run over


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a dashcam w/ gps logging might help you with future incidents? Either way, good luck with w/e you decide to try. Gov't always weasel their way out of stuff :p


Well-Known Member
SW Virginia
Vehicle Model
2012 Civic EX
Body Style
Coupe FG3:ASM
From riding MC's, I do my own looking for damage to road surfaces, and in a construction zone double that. Don't forget you have 4 way flashers for when you know you're going to sit or go slow in the flow. Never depend on anyone else to make it safe for you.

Hope your car will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I put the car on the lift at work. No damage at all, wheels are fine, suspension is fine, drive perfect still.

Just a little annoyed that they feel they can leave a highway with such a severe transition in it.
The dot actually emailed me back saying they drove the area this morning with the head guy and they felt it wasn't to excessive and the road will be done within a week there anyways.


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
yeah... they drove over it in their F-250 work truck... seems fine to them.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I put the car on the lift at work. No damage at all, wheels are fine, suspension is fine, drive perfect still.

Just a little annoyed that they feel they can leave a highway with such a severe transition in it.
The dot actually emailed me back saying they drove the area this morning with the head guy and they felt it wasn't to excessive and the road will be done within a week there anyways.

Yeah because they weren't in their own vehicles... The roads around here suck. I've complained once before and they did a temporary fix. A couple months later, the issue returned. I've given up. It seems as though road work is being done in all the wrong places.


Well-Known Member
SW Virginia
Vehicle Model
2012 Civic EX
Body Style
Coupe FG3:ASM
Yeah, I put the car on the lift at work. No damage at all, wheels are fine, suspension is fine, drive perfect still.

Just a little annoyed that they feel they can leave a highway with such a severe transition in it.
The dot actually emailed me back saying they drove the area this morning with the head guy and they felt it wasn't to excessive and the road will be done within a week there anyways.

Well there you go then....... It's amazing how two different ppl can see the same thing, and come up with two different conclusions...... Of course the highwayman(good name for them government types), probably drove over that area in a government 4WD Escalade or a Hummer........ :D