Tires and VTEC sticker

Bruce Bartlow

Late apex everything
Sacramento, CA
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Rt 215 "down" side anyone? hahaha, Serious brake test.
You might be referring to Rt 276 out of Waynesville. We normally go up Rt 215. But both are wicked good to drive...and wicked bad on brakes... that is, if you're into using brakes.

Bruce Bartlow

Late apex everything
Sacramento, CA
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To be honest man, i think you like trolling us.

You either want all seasons or you don't. You either want summer performance tires or you don't. Either way you go there will be some compromise. I know you're the hardest driving, hardest braking, hardest cornering and accelerating guy out there, but really......

No matter what anyone recommends you seem bent on getting a middling BF Goodrich all-season. Then you say that an all season ain't enough for the way you drive, snow or not.

Snow tires and snow capable tires don't just have to do with snow. Temperature is a very significant factor in tire performance. Just because it says "snow" on it does not mean its just for snowy conditions. Those tires will perform capably in sub 40F weather. Rubber gets hard when it gets cold. If its not made to handle a wider range of temps it will feel like you're driving around on solid hockey pucks. If you've noticed, hockey pucks don't have much grip on ice and snow.

Buy Michelin Pilot Super Sports and be done with it. Good luck when the temps drop. Conti DWS if you don't want to die or crash. Not trying to be a dick, but two threads about the same thing with the same level of dismissal at suggestions....
I can vouch for the summer PSS. But when temps drop below 50 degrees you lose about 50% grip. Because I only drive the car in the spring/summer I'm okay with that.
Warning: The tire is completely useless in the snow. You WILL need a tow truck.

Another great summer tire is the one @Nix had last year. Nix... what was that? I actually liked them better than my PSS. More responsive.