What's wrong with the scene?


Well-Known Member
Motown, WV
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
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I think it's a few things... first, kids turning 16 nowadays are just plain spoiled. Not to hurt anyone's feelings but if you are 16 and are on this forum with a 9th gen civic that is yours (or your parents' car but you don't share it with someone) and aren't paying for by yourself, you are spoiled.

This theory in plain would generate more forum traffic and make the scene grow, but I think my point is that it's not really 9th gen civics I see 16 year olds with, it's even more expensive cars. In my area i've seen 16-17 year olds driving BMW, Mercedes, etc.

I would say that most kids with rich parents, are driving their parents slightly used BMWS, Mercedes, etc. At least that's been the case with some of the richer kids I've known in my life. I would say only in the more extreme cases are the kids getting brand new ones.


Well-Known Member
Tampa, FL
I would say that most kids with rich parents, are driving their parents slightly used BMWS, Mercedes, etc. At least that's been the case with some of the richer kids I've known in my life. I would say only in the more extreme cases are the kids getting brand new ones.
True, but regardless it still contributes to the problem.

Speaking of used expensive cars... I was at Moes sometime last year and there's always a lot of high school kids there. Some girl who must have been 16 or 17 was telling her friend how she can't believe her parents are making her drive their old Mercedes. So ridiculous

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Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
BMW had some really really cheap lease deals a couple years back, which is why there was the explosion in people driving 328s. Those cars are just starting to come off lease in the last year or two so now there is a very affordable used BMW glut. The price is close to that of a new civic/accord and I think people are just getting the BMW cause of the "status" attached to it. Could be part of what we are seeing right now with younger drivers in cars that should be out of range.

the insider

Well-Known Member
north of the 49th, south of the 401
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civic si
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BMW had some really really cheap lease deals a couple years back, which is why there was the explosion in people driving 328s. Those cars are just starting to come off lease in the last year or two so now there is a very affordable used BMW glut. The price is close to that of a new civic/accord and I think people are just getting the BMW cause of the "status" attached to it. Could be part of what we are seeing right now with younger drivers in cars that should be out of range.
Maybe... a few years ago at my son's 13th birthday party they started talking about cars... one kid says to another - "ya but your mom drives a BMW.." the kid replies "ya but its just a 3 series.." C'mon! like this kid won't have entitlement issues! I let my my 19 year old drive my Si... "Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout- this is what I'm lookin' for!" he said. "Well when you're 50 you can have one too!" I replied!


Well-Known Member
Rolla, MO
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Civic LX
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FG3 Coupe
Now, i felt i had to say something just because i am 19 on this forum...
I paid the down payment and the first year off of my car in cash from my job which i had in high school and now in college. I pay my own insurance, gas and phone bills as well, but i still cringe when my friends talk about how nice my car is. Yeah its nice, thats why i bought it, but they never assume that i bought a car i could afford on my own. And im paying for tuition and room and board thru scholarships and my job. So i know im in a pretty good position, especially compared to most college kids.... 2 years in with no debt and knowing i did it by myself does feel pretty awesome.
But i understand where you guys are coming from, because even my friends always assume that i get stuff handed to me. And it frustrates me having to argue and tell them how it is, or why i cant hang out on the weekends. I know many people my age that work for everything they have, but unfortunately, its probably the minority.
So i have a nice car, and thats what i spend my extra cash on, but i still worked to get it. My dad said it also kind of sucks because when he was my age, he could get a car for cheap and work on it. but times have changed, since cars are alot more expensive because of all the extra features and crap

the insider

Well-Known Member
north of the 49th, south of the 401
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civic si
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You are the exception - not the rule. I realize its wrong to paint everybody with the same brush. I have no problem with anyone that works hard to get what they desire. Keep working hard. I would hold you as an example to those that have things come easy to them. Unfortunately it seems too common today that kids don't have to work hard too get what they want. One of my sons is very successful - and realistic (borderline cheap) on what he can afford - two have champagne tastes on a beer budget,.
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Well-Known Member
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2012 Civic si
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I have to disagree to a point,it really matters where you live and what you are used too. For example I lived in Youngstown( Boardman) Ohio for 37 years.a big night was 100 bikes/cars at the most and believe me at the most.Although it was a lot of fun,I've been to meets here in Atlanta that have had well over 5-6 hundred cars quite often.it unfair to compare a smaller city to one of the 10 largest in the us,but even here people say it's dropped off a lot.but to me its sweet as hell,I just wish more 9 th gens were around,but in time they will.times are different now then 30 years ago.credit is easy,terms are longer,people make much more money,more 2 parents working to make their kids lives better than there's etc... I've seen a lot of young people male and females with older imports fixing them up and are really into it,it's pretty cool,and I've seen young people driving 60,000 cars( lucky them). If people made more people feel more welcome,my guess is that more would be into it.im 48 and get along great with these younger people,I enjoy seeing what others are into and their tastes( without pre judging anyone), if someone has a question.....answer it,if someone talks to you at a meet....talk to them,before you know it more people know more people and here it starts again,remember just build it and they will come.....


Well-Known Member
Nampa, Id
Vehicle Model
Civic SI
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I just got back from a Sunday lunch/ drive with the local Honda club here (Honda208.com). They have quite a few meets a year where they get out and drive. 3 weeks ago we went on a 200 mile drive into the hills and on some twisty mountain roads. I have 1 of the newest cars and I am 1 of the older members. They are starting to realize that with age, comes experience. Not only do I know my way around cars, but also how to avoid confrontations with the police. They do/did have a few younger people that are your typical "ricers" and drive like asshats, but they get put into place real quick and learn from the more mature of the group or they just stop showing up. I like to think that being there I am also setting an example on how to respect the venues as well as the people that bring this all together. Here is just a pic from a meet the first weekend of October. After seeing my car with these, mine sits about as tall as a Civic 4wd. Time to start thinking about lowering it.
